The MD 50 greatest school related memories of our youth list. In order.

Number 50

Everybody wearing exactly the same strange sandals in primary school
Number 49

The horrors of the swimming pool foot bath. Floating Elastoplast and ground zero verruca infection.
Number 48

The Snorkel Parka
Number 47

Warm milk and a stale Sports Biscuit served by a smug 'Monitor'.
Number 46


The supreme pleasure of opening a new packet. No cross colour contamination, plenty of elasticity, yet to be shoved in noses, ears or chewed for a dare.
Number 45

Road safety in the big hall: ‘Any volunteers to be knocked down?’
Number 44

Popping out of school at lunchtime to listen to dial-a-disc or be terrified by Wearside Jack.
Number 43

Mary, Mungo and Midge.

Watched on your own in a freezing cold house when you were off sick from school.
Number 42

The Banda duplicator. Operated by a perma-smoking Technician in a mysterious little room.
Number 41

School glue
Number 40

Izal horror
Number 39

Taught in a portakabin on the playground while part of the school was condemned/flooded/burned down
Number 38

The custard jug
Number 37

The Bunsen burner.

Gas, fire, asbestos and classroom full of lunatics. What could go wrong?
Number 36

Coming home from school with your 'instrument' after joining the school band
Number 35

The rope: the humiliation of not being able to do it Vs the pain and broken bones of falling off from the top.
Number 34

Smoking in the bike shed

"But Sir, they are only Menthols"
"Ah, OK - be off with you" (not even confiscated)

Everyone on Embassy within a year. Then Park Drive, Senior Service, industrial strength roll-ups (later with filter discarded). Gone by 50.
Number 33

"ONE f*cking sausage?"
Number 32

The Overhead Projector (OHP)


The drama of the blown bulb.
Number 31

The language lab.

Now it's all hub. Then it was all lab.
Number 30

School holiday potato picking. £1 per day.
Number 29

The Duralex school milk glass

When dropped would either bounce or absolutely explode.
Number 28

The magnificence of a decades old graffitied desk.

"Every dog has its day"

Social history.
Number 27

The absolute ball-ache of book backing
Number 26

The ill-fated hockey experiment.

Worst mistake in the history of the school: let's play hockey like the posh kids. Essentially, weaponising lads with long-standing grudges. Mass brawl and multiple hospitalisations in the very first game. Hockey kit never seen again
Number 25

The age of protest. We talked about it. The lasses did it ✊
Number 24

Borrowing a school recorder.

Initial reassuring whiff of Dettol, followed by the horror of discovering a small reservoir of collective spittle in the head.
Number 23

The vault box. Nobody had got a clue what to do with it. Used exclusively for sitting on at school discos or hiding in.

Teachers appeared to be flummoxed as well: "Go go over it in an interesting manner".
Number 22

Getting vaccinated.
Number 21

The school cross country run. Staggering levels of cheating. One 'winner' got his brother to take him half way round on his Honda 50. Regularly got attacked with catapult wielding maniacs as well.
Number 20

The canvas school bag
Number 19

Menu: Mince, Cabbage, Potatoes, Semolina, Pears.

Often on the same plate.
Number 18

The school geometry set. With sinister compass and an even worse double pointy thing.
No 17

The School Trip

Went to an airport. None of us had even seen let alone been on a plane. No money for the observation deck, so we had to watch the planes form the car park. Brilliant day. Came home with dreams of being a pilot/air hostess. Or in one case, a coach driver
Number 16

Getting nits.

'They only like clean hair'.
Number 15

The school bell.

Could be heard from outer space.
Number 14

Your dog following you to school
Number 13

Making paper chain Christmas decorations
Number 12

Sandpit tension.

Lad in the middle with the hammer looks like he's gonna blow. But those are not the shoes of a hard man.
Number 11

The school Bible with the utterly terrifying picture of the devil in it.
Number 10

6th formers. No uniform. Strange and wonderful albums under their arms.
Number 9

Old school desks with inkwells. In a new 70's school. The Head explained: 'There's a good reason for that: the Local Education Authority are all Communists'.
Number 8

The Trainee Teacher *sigh*
Number 7

A kid with a pot on at school after falling off the Witches Hat.
Number 6

An abacus in every classroom
Number 5

Getting your head stuck in the school railings.

Ears soaped. Then the fire brigade,
Number 4

You best friend emigrating with his family, never to be seen again.
Number 3

The Video.

The technician had to go on a course to operate it.

Two strong lads needed to wheel it into the classroom.

'Tracking' was always an issue.

Ended up under armed guard as within a week, most of Airdrie had cleared a spot for it in their front rooms.
Number 2

Diving for a rubber brick in your nylon pyjamas.

Then inflating your pyjama bottoms to make a buoyancy aid.

Never quite getting the smell of chlorine out of them.
Number 1

Our Ma

We got caned, suspended & made to wear a ribbon for refusing to cut our hair. Our Ma worked in the school kitchen. She thinned our hair with a Trimcomb (nothing off the length) & silently served it to the Head on a plate when he passed through the servery.
All the dinner ladies threatened to go on strike if any action was taken against her. None was.
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