I'm doing some research on amendments to the Constitution of Ireland, so am curious where people stand now on referendums past.

Would you support the adoption of the Constitution of Ireland in 1937?
1959 and 1968
Replace proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote in seats of no less than three seats with first-past-the-post in single-seat constituencies. Also establish a Constituency Commission.
Allow the ratio of population to TDs in different constituencies to vary by up to one-sixth of the average. Proposed on the basis that rural constituencies would have a lower population.
Accession to the European Communities
Lower voting age from 21 to 18
Remove recognition of the special position of the Catholic Church as the guardian of the Faith professed by the great majority of the citizens and also remove the recognition of other named religions.
Allow adoptions by the Adoption Board to be recognised.
Allow a redistribution of six university seats to either the named universities or other institutes of higher education and allow the dissolution of named universities.
Acknowledge the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother.
Allow the franchise for Dáil elections to be extended to non-Irish citizens.
Permit divorce where a marriage has ailed for periods amounting to five years, there is no reasonable possibility of reconciliation between the parties to the marriage, and the court is satisfied that adequate and proper provision for dependent spouses or children.
Allow Ireland ratify the Single European Act
I'll continue this in the morning, there were a lot in the 1990s, and don't want to poll certain repeated or similar questions at the same time.
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