Bruce Fein on "Armenian Genocide"🔻

Post# 1⃣ out of 6⃣

"After the command of president Reagan, we researched with Ottoman & European archives. Our researches brought out the truth that what Armenians tell are not true. Turkey allowed us to use its archives, but Armenia did not"
Post # 2⃣ out of 6⃣

"I think we will see the truth when we will see the Armenian archives. In that case, Armenians will have to apologize to Turks and the world because of lies which they told the whole world"
Post # 3⃣ out of 6⃣

He published an article in June 2009 in Huffpost USA:

"The White House made an investigation in 1981, it is revealed that Armenians killed more than 2 Million Turks. Armenians did not open their archives because they don't want this truth to be revealed"
Post # 4⃣ out of 6⃣

"Armenian gangs killed Ottoman citizens with helpings of Russia and France. It's the fact that amount of killed people are about 2 Million. "
Post # 5⃣ out of 6⃣

"Especially Armenians who are living in the USA, get great profits with genocide lies. The USA government doesn't interfere with Armenians because it gets a lot of cash"
Post # 6⃣ out of 6⃣

"Armenians don't open their archives insistently because they don't want to lose profit which they get with genocide lies. The truth will be reserved when they open their archives"
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