🧵A LETTER TO @dougducey and @GOP governors who fail to lead and listen to frontline healthcare providers!! You are KILLING US!!! You sit in your ivory tower, taunt the virus, ignore public health measures & attack the Affordable Care Act, while we die on the frontlines. 1/9
There are only 184 ICU beds and 931 inpatient beds (⚠️new record) left in Arizona! Even worse, we can't even use those beds because our healthcare workers are SICK and calling out. 53 ICU beds opened up yesterday, but tragically because 53 people DIED!!! 2/9
We are in this situation because @dougducey allowed Trump to spread his misinformation and COVID19 across Arizona during September & October with his maskless Trump rallies in Prescott, Phoenix, Tucson etc. 4/9
Across Arizona, the virus is overwhelming hospitals and several have run out of hi-flow nasal cannula machines, so now our only options are bipap or intubation for severe hypoxia. 5/9
Intubations! When we have ZERO ICU beds, patients have to be transferred via HELICOPTER to other facilities, but since we can't transport patients on non-invasive bipap, they have to be INTUBATED, which we've tried to avoid because of POOR OUTCOMES. 6/9
There are 4,123 new cases of COVID19 in Arizona! 79,000 hospitalized nationwide. Yesterday was the DEADLIEST day of the pandemic with 1,869 deaths & 164,000 new infections. This is unsustainable! 7/9
Local leaders in Yuma County, Arizona are stopping in-person learning @YUHSD to prevent community spread, but these important public health measures should be voiced by @dougducey, rather than PUNTED to local leaders to appease @realDonaldTrump. 8/9
h/t: @lilyalta @Supt_Hoffman
STOP KILLING US @dougducey & @GOP Governors. Enact REAL public health measures such as statewide mask mandates, ⬆️N95s, close bars, gyms, schools, indoor dining & limit gathering size. Healthcare workers are depleted & exhausted. We're sick and tired or being sick and tired! /end
Healthcare workers are under siege by COVID19, but still giving 110% everyday to save lives on the frontlines of this pandemic!!! STOP KILLING US @GOP Govs & DO YOUR JOB by enacting real public health measures!!! 1/4
AZ: @dougducey
FL: @GovRonDeSantis
GA: @GovKemp
IA: @IAGovernor
Healthcare workers are under siege by COVID19, but still giving 110% everyday to save lives on the frontlines of this pandemic!!! STOP KILLING US @GOP Govs & DO YOUR JOB by enacting real public health measures! 2/4
ID: @GovernorLittle
MI: @GovParsonMO
MS: @tatereeves
NE: @GovRicketts
Healthcare workers are under siege by COVID19, but still giving 110% everyday to save lives on the frontlines of this pandemic!!! STOP KILLING US @GOP Govs & DO YOUR JOB by enacting real public health measures! 3/4
ND: @DougBurgum
OH: @GovMikeDeWine
OK: @GovStitt
SC: @henrymcmaster
Healthcare workers are under siege by COVID19, but still giving 110% everyday to save lives on the frontlines of this pandemic!!! STOP KILLING US @GOP Govs & DO YOUR JOB by enacting real public health measures! end
SD: @govkristinoem
TN: @GovBillLee
TX: @GovAbbott
WY: @GovernorGordon
You can follow @Cleavon_MD.
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