(1/3) "I have a love of history which comes from my family. My grandmother, (she passed when I was 8) was born in Mississippi in 1898, and had a very different perspective on life which didn’t involve much BS. I’m part of a far reaching lineage..." -Vincent Gardner #JLCOtakeover
(2/3) "I am the youngest of my mother’s children, my mother was the youngest of her mother’s children, & my grandmother was the youngest of her mother’s children. I grew up hearing our family's history, of African-Americans, of America, from people that lived through it all."
(3/3) "My father, brother, and myself all played in the Count Basie Orchestra at different times (My father played with Count Basie himself in the 1960’s, my Brother in the 80’s and myself in the 90’s). We are the only family to have a father and two sons play in the orchestra."
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