A lot of conservatives seem to be under the mistake impression (I was one of them on election night) that something unusual has happened in large urban counties in Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee, Atlanta. I am here to tell you that you are WRONG and there is nothing odd going on.
I since looked up the vote tallies for 2020, compared them to 2016 for both key Urban County and State and I see nothing that makes me suggest some unusual voting activity.
Except for Fulton and DeKalb counties in GA, all other urban counties saw their 2020 vote tallies relative to 2016 grow *significantly below* the overall state vote growth.
For the two Atlanta counties the vote growth in 2020 was inline with state vote growth. Unlike Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee which are seeing stagnant to declining populations, Atlanta metro area is still growing.
Well you say it wasn't the vote growth in urban countries, it was the margins for Biden relative to Clinton? Sorry no dice there, nothing unusually different.
Wayne County (Detroit) margins for Biden were only 1% higher than Hillary in 2016, Philly margin for Biden was actually 3% *lower* than Hillary, and Milwaukee and Atlanta (Fulton, DeKalb) margins were ~3% higher. Those are not big changes in the margins.
Moreover, Trump's vote in 2020 actually grew much more than the urban country's overall vote growth relative to 2020 with the exception of Atlanta (Fulton, DeKalb). In Philly his votes grew a staggering 22% relative to 5% overall Philly County vote growth.
It should also be kept in mind that in 2016 there was much higher third party vote share, so the 3 urban counties where Biden improved his margin to 3% more than Hillary might be reflecting some benefit from that too.
Overall it is clear to me that what lost PA, WI, MI for Trump was not the urban cities of Philly, Milwaukee and Detroit, but the suburbs.
While in GA Atlanta does seem to have boosted Biden votes relative to Hillary, over 80% of GA votes were cast outside these 2 urban counties. Exit polls show Trump declined in White vote margin in GA relative to 2016. So most plausible explanation is White suburban voter loss.
So please fellow conservatives give up the Ghost that something unusual happened in large urban cities in PA, WI, MI, GA where the Dem machine stole the election. No evidence for that.
Also worth nothing that these urban counties have a lot more White residents than you might think - Milwaukee is 51% White, Wayne is 49% White, Philly is 34% White, Fulton is 40% White and DeKalb 29%.
If you look at voters instead of residents, then White vote share is undeniably higher. So even if you are arguing about the Atlanta votes, hard to say if White voters or Black voters provided the extra margin.
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