#Nudevember 19th
This is a long one folks...
Far too often when I'm discussing #naturism, #nudism or simple nudity with people that are curious or find out I'm a nudist, and I suggest maybe they'd benefit from trying it, I get this canned response 'Oh, nobody needs to see THAT'
Ok. Here's the thing... It's exactly what we ALL need to see, for one thing. Normalizing all bodies is so extremely important for all of us, even outside of being nude. Many of our psychological issues stem from this one key point...
Our society has fetishized specific body types, and anyone falling outside this ideal start losing their sense of self and self worth. It's important to me that we somehow, some way, learn to start regaining an ability to view all body types as natural and good.
There are many reasons for this in normal life. There are spaces where nudity, fully or partially, should be normal even if you're not a nudist. Change rooms. Doctor's offices. Hospitals. Outdoor natural spaces (if you need to bathe in a river or change on a Beach for example)
But we have such a self loathing for our bodies that we invent things to cover ourselves, even for brief periods, even in these spaces. It's ridiculous, and always just adds to the shame and false modesty.
So no. I reject 'Nobody needs to see THAT.' In Naturist spaces, nobody is really looking anyway. Not in the way you think... And that's beside the point. We, as a society, do need to see it. We need to see all our bodies and we need to see them as normal...
and accepted and human. We need to feel comfortable, no matter what we look like, going to a doctor. We need to feel comfortable changing our clothes without hiding in a stall. We need to realize we're all natural in our own way.
Celebrate your body. It's yours. Don't be ashamed of it. Don't let others shame you for it. You're worthy and beautiful.
The end.
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