10 Habits of Happiness

You are not him.
You are not her.
You are not me.
But we are human.

1. Push The Body

Your body is the most natural art in the world.
Evolving, changing, adapting.

Your body wants to be cultivated. It wants to be pushed to it’s limits.

Train, sweat, grind & then stretch, massage.
There is physical happiness.
2. Cherish Your Community

You were in a social group before you could speak.
Your ancient ancestors sat in silence around cave fires.

The feeling of being around others is important.
Be independent while appreciating those in your space.

If you fall, they'll catch you.
3. Pursuit of Vision

You are not a robot.
You weren’t programmed to live in boring routine.

You feel something deep within you.
Your purpose, your vision, your goal

Be patient.
Keep chipping away.

One day, after years of pursuit, your statue of David will be standing.
4. Slices of Silence

The brain is brilliant.

All that brilliance needs silence to grow.
Constant music, chatter, television, hurts your success.

Water is to flowers as silence is to ideas.
Give your brain time alone to do it’s thing.
5. Creating Anything

Make yourself felt in the world.
Create something for others to use.
Create something that sparks emotions in others.

If you’re made in the image of the Creator, you’re job on Earth is to create.

Creation > Consumption
6. Stoicism Mentality

Don’t be a slave to emotions.
Don’t let others see you controlled by your feelings.
Have control over your mind in all scenarios.

“Like a duck, cool & collected above water, but working it’s ass off under the surface”
7. Weekly Competition

You need to be challenged.
If you don’t compete in anything, you’ll never know how good or bad you are.

Be humbled by loss & proud of wins.

Challenge yourself, but each week you should ‘win’ over last weeks self.

Always be getting better.
8. Admitting Unique

You do something better than most people.
You have a unique skill that you may not even know exist yet.

Find what you’re naturally good at & run with it.

Don’t let social media trick you into thinking everyone is good at everything.
9. Beauty

Happy hates ugly. Ugly hates happy.

Surround yourself with beauty.
Handsome men & gorgeous women.
Classic art & sounds of Beethoven.
Mountain ranges & warm sunsets.

Your heart can tell between beauty & ugly, listen.
10. Gratefulness

“Thank you.”
Thank you for helping me out.
Thank you for letting me see another day.
Thank you for blessing me with a great family.

Always appreciate what you have, it may be gone tomorrow.
Here is a list of influential accounts specializing;


1. The Body: @PathToManliness
2. Community: @chiefchuck2k @BillyRedHorse
3. Vision: @SubtleBodhi @WarMoneyMindset @Medivhus
4. Meditation/Silence: @MasculineTheory
5. Creation: @Haessian @ShamanOfThe

6. Stoicism: Your nearest account with a greek statue picture.
7. Competition: @EdLatimore
8. Unique Ability: @med_conscience @robertgriker
9. Beauty: @creation247 @bronzeagemantis
10. Gratefulness: @banker_hound @RedemptiveKing

Godspeed 🌞
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