Rudy just said, "Did you all see My Cousin Vinny?" and followed it up with a reenactment of a scene from the film.
So, the press conference is going really well for Trump.
Is he going to read us highlights from 100s of affidavits? Because that seems like where he is headed.
He just made fun of Philadelphia sports fans.

I'll allow it. @HoffProf
Rudy: "There are many more affidavits here.... I don't have time to read them all."
He then berates and chastises the press for not making these affidavits front-page news.
He then specifically mentions the ridiculous affidavit that a truck full of ballots drove up to the Detroit facility "when all of the Republicans had left" and added those Biden votes to the count.
There's a good reason the media doesn't treat those stories as "factual."
Rudy is now contending that more people voted in parts of WI than were registered. Is his evidence from the Breitbart comments section or a random Reddit thread that excludes voters that registered the same day as they voted?
Rudy now says they are likely to bring lawsuits in NM and VA. Frivolous litigation for every state! You get a lawsuit. You get a lawsuit. And you get a lawsuit...
I just realized that batshit-crazy Sidney Powell has yet to speak. By comparison, Rudy is the sane one. I can't imagine what's coming next.
Sidney Powell is up!
Powell just led with: "communist money" has penetrated our election system.
Powell is going straight Dominion conspiracy theory. This is all based on one witness who is with the highly credible Lin Wood. Sadly, @profdaf will never be able to hear this "truth."
Powell: Dominion is tied to the Clinton Foundation.

When Powell says "According to the press" as the authority for her claim, who does she mean? 🤔
Powell: just connected "ANTIFA" to the election fraud conspiracy.

A lot of drunk Glenn Beck energy from Sidney Powell. Live video of the conference.
Sidney Powell has just endorsed every pro-Trump election conspiracy theory from the darkest reaches of the internet, no matter how incoherent or implausible.
Powell concludes by saying: "President Trump won by a landslide."
Jenna Ellis is up, trying to sound reasonable after all of the crazy. Says: "This is basically an opening statement."
Ellis also seems to be setting up various motions to extend court deadlines by saying that gathering evidence and preparing for trials takes years.
She keeps yelling at the media in the room and calling them "fake news" in order to shame them into acting as stenographers for Rudy and Powell.
Ellis just called the Rudy and Powell led legal team an "Elite Strike Force."
Ellis just told everyone to go home and read Federalist No. 68. Ok, I'll reread it. 🤷
Oh no! Powell is back.
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