Trump's ace legal team on the stage
I would like to remind everyone that nothing "happened" to Giuliani. He's always been a corrupt moron.
But because he happened to be mayor when 9/11 happened, people decided to treat him like a hero. In truth, it's because of his failures that the 9/11 death toll was so high.
See: moving the city's emergency response center into WTC 7 despite being warned that this was a really bad idea

See: not bothering to make sure first responders had working radios

See: lying to first responders about how deadly the debris was
Rudy is now talking about the movie My Cousin Vinny, not to be confused with the cousin he married.
Somehow, Andrew Giuliani is not the result of that marriage.
So far, a solid 99% of what Giuliani is rambling on about is completely indecipherable to anyone who doesn't read Gateway Pundit
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