So listen: remember that we are not shown the same realities. One side is shown every single instance of violence against the police, of abducted children, of sociopathic behavior from the left. The other side is shown every episode of police violence, and right-wing sociopathy.
The layers of illusion spun around us all are thick, and have been operating for decades. The horrors and outrages that tear our hearts to pieces are not presented to others at all, or are viewed as anomalies.
The stories that activate their outrage never surface at all in our world, or seem so bizzarre and random and anomalous that we dismiss them as well. We are living in two opposing myths.

We are all wandering through a hall of mirrors of our projections, our vulnerabilities.
Projecting our terrors onto each other, and actively encouraged, courted, lured into doing so - by many bad actors - by propaganda machines, by bots who activate our rage and horror, by logorithms. etc.
Its not that most see what we see and revel our suffering (although some absolutely do)

Its that most never see the suffering at all and when they do are told that the suffering isn't real, over and over.
Watch the rage that bots and trolls and autogenerated accounts activate in us. Understand that the same bad actors are manipulating the outrage of the other side.

Find your core values, inside yourself. Stand upon them. That is the only safe spot.
Be the human being you mean to be.

That is it. that is the only way through.
The capacity for Psychopathy and Morality exist in EACH of us.

This is the most primary binary being exacerbated, projected, and exploited right now.
Don't worry about "which truth is the real truth"

None of us ever knows "The Truth" unilaterally or completely in any era. We all live embedded in cultural myths.
Just locate YOUR values.

All the birds around you can be flying in the wrong directions.

Where is your internal compass? Locate that.
When the world is spinning, the only stable spot is in the center of your being.

Find it. Sit on it.
I am not talking about "compromising" your core values in anyway. I'm not talking about denying oppressions. Or finding "common ground"
I'm talking about separating yourself from the manipulation and reactivity of the crowd in order to know what you love and believe and what you need to protect in the face of the collapse of consensual realities.
Sit under a tree and put your two fingers on the ground when illusions are swirling all around you.
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