Why do the #Woke hate us immigrants and former refugees?

My family and I escaped the hell-hole of Islamofascistic Republic of Iran and arrived in Sweden on the 22nd Dec, 1988.

On that very first night, my sister (then aged 6) had appendicitis and was driven
immediately from the airport to the hospital. My mother accompanies her, and as my father and older brother had stayed back in India, where we had stayed for a few months while planning our next destination, me and my two siblings were left on our own in a country where we did
not speak the language, didn’t have a penny to our name nor were we even dressed for a Swedish winter in Stockholm.

Sweden, being the great Western country it was, wouldn’t allow us a second to worry. We were immediately taken care of, and driven to a hotel, had an interpreter
assigned to us, and given food, sweets, and clothes. While we were being taken care of, my mother was in the best hospital she had ever seen, where world class doctors took operated on my younger sister.

As with us, she had an interpreter by her side, relating all the
information and comfort the doctors expressed. She was told that her other children are all doing well, and she’s be joining us very soon.

Few days later, we were back together, in a new country, completely ignorant of what lay ahead of us.

But what we knew was that we were
being taken care of - kind people giving us housing, food, clothes and money to spend.

As children, we no longer felt the fear of the police overhearing something we might say, and played freely in the snow.

Fast forward 32 years, and the five young children who came to Sweden
as refugees have all blossomed to successful adults in our own right. My sisters being engineers and scientists, my brother being a science and math teacher, and I - now living in The U.K.- being fortunate enough to find myself in the top 5% of earners in my new home country.
How is such an evolution possible?

It starts with the foundation. Sweden and, in extension, The West, have provided us with freedom and possibilities we could never had anywhere else in the world.

As with many refugees and immigrants, we value this principle because we know
what life without it entails. We know what it’s like to have the secret police knock on our doors in the middle of the night and taking our parents away for suspicion of thought crime.

We know what it’s like to be indoctrinated in school, having to start assembly every morning
by proclaiming our hatred for America, Israel and the Jews.

We know what lack of freedom of speech and expression does to a person’s soul.

We know what it’s like not to know when you’re going to school, whether you’ll see your parents again when you come home.
We know what price we have to pay when we are forced to deny truth for the sake of dogma.

We know what happens when one person’s “greater good” becomes a valid reason to betray foundational, fundamental principles.

So, why do the #Woke wish to eradicate everything which lead
to people like me and my family risk our lives for to join and participate in?

Why do the #Woke wish cancel freedom of speech and freedom of thought, when those were what attracted people like us to come to The West to begin with?

Why do they wish to cancel Truth for the sake
of ideology and dogma, when immigrants and refugees risk their lives fleeing from countries that have implemented such policies, to come to places where such policies are the foundations for civil society?

If the #Woke wish to implement the same rules and principles which me
and my family escaped from, are they not in fact saying that people like us aren’t welcome here?

Are they not saying that people like us, who came to find freedoms, were wrong? That we value immoral things?

That the countries we escaped from had gotten it right?
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