At first I thought it was a serious work since it was done by an International reputable Media @CNN, alas, I was filled with disappointment that the bar of Investigative journalism even in the 1st WORLD is like 3rd WORLD. THREAD
I tried to check it out after seeing noise AS USUAL in Nigeria e-hoodlums thinking something finally extra terrestrial had been found about the 1st "bodyless Massacre" in human history. Exactly 4 weeks after the MYTH called #LekkiMassacre, @CNNAfrica was doing CUT & PASTE. SHAME!
let's make it very simple to show you how disgraceful the so called "investigative journalism" by the acclaimed International media was. I already made my views on DJ Switch known. Please read, then come back to see the nonsense CNN did:
Learn this & have peace of mind. A case of Massacre couldn't have been this difficult to proof in year 2020 EXCEPT you want to go into the realms of CONSPIRACY that @CNN has been involved in foe decades when they want to destabilize any Nation. Lekki is not in a remote side guys!
His did not wait for 30 days to prove that massacre happened in Asaba 1967. Why then did you think something that happened in a metropolitan city like Lagos is taking too long to even establish that 2 people died? Was there a Massacre at Lekki in Oct 2020?
So what happened at #LekkiTollGate that a so called CNN couldn't get like Odi, Zaki Biam and Shiite cases some of us witnessed in Nigeria?
You want to know what happened? International Conspiracy that @CNN did in Libya, Iraq, Syria etc happened. Nigeria is not Libya or Syria o🤪
As at 23rd, @CNN MISLED the WORLD by saying at least 38 people were killed. They can't prove ANY. Then 29 days after they were struggling to prove 1 person died in a MASSACRE by bringing CUT & JOIN videos of DJ Switch and Godson together as evidence. HOW?
So what's new in this 5 minute and 54sec INVESTIGATION of @CNNAfrica as compiled by @StephanieBusari one of the #EndSARS violence enablers who sat far away to instigate problem in Nigeria? What's New? NOTHING.
They simply REPACKAGED old lies then garnished with "Satellite Image".
There are two Testimonies outside the shores of Nigeria:
@BBCAfrica & @CNNAfrica
BBC reporter was PHYSICALLY at Lekki toll gate, CNN reporters were not physically on ground BEFORE, DURING or AFTER the 20th Oct Incidence. Who should be more credible pls?
BBC reporter ON GROUND said @HQNigerianArmy shot in the air for about 25min. Army at @LagosSarsPanel said they used blank bullet.
Did @CNN show YOU in that embarrassing "INVESTIGATION" the pool of blood where AK47 that could fire 600 rounds per minute was said to have been used?
What was special or NEW about the repackaged propaganda by @CNNAfrica?
"We are going to tell a story that is radically different"...CNN

Did they tell anything different except by quoting DJ Switch & Godson video footage that couldn't prove any Massacre? They LIED TO YOU!
At around 00:48 of the video by @CNN they showed the video of Godson. What they refused to show you was where Godson said "peaceful protesters" came with local guns & instruments"..."Na our boys dey shoot".
Why did CNN cut off that part? Who did Godson boys shoot at? INVESTIGATE!
Here's what @CNNAfrica hid from Godson CUT & PASTE video they called investigation..

TIME: 13:40-45.. Listen to the guy at the background; “that na local guns our own be that”

21:45-50 -“gun dey”

45:50-59 - calls for “Tools, Instruments etc”
CNN said @HQNigerianArmy Bonny camp at around 6:29PM & they thought they had done something INVESTIGATIVE.
Dear @CNN, can you also show us through Satellite Imagery what happened when @HQNigerianArmy was allegedly using Live bullets?
What is SPECIAL in what we already knew?🤣
You said at 6:43PM you started to hear gunfire. We already knew all these 4 weeks ago.
What your investigative prowess should have brought to the table is the VIDEO of how AK47 by @HQNigerianArmy were killing people. Do you know the meaning of MASSACRE in English Language?
Ok, they mentioned one name whose family are too SCARED to come to the @LagosSarsPanel. We have seen that picture BEFORE you did your INVESTIGATION, nothing new. Can you now tell the family to approach the panel or is it another stunt of Anthony who died of Mortocycle accident?
1. Can CNN say 2 flags were used on the same person in the midst of LIVE BULLETS?
2. Was this picture taken at Lekki BEFORE or AFTER the @HQNigerianArmy left since DJ Switch said they left with dead bodies?
Remember this Pix was already online as at 21st of Oct.
Is this Lekki?🙄
Remember that @channelstv correspondence was at Lekki toll gate EVEN AFTER the shootings, so did they see pool of blood?
Can CNN use their INVESTIGATIVE Satellite to show WHEN the blood streams were being CLEANED with detergents such that there's no trace SUDDENLY?
Pool of blood?
Remember that we're talking of SORO SOKE generation with at least one camera phone per person INCLUDING DJ Switch.
If we had more than 1000 youths there, why can't we SEE at least 500 pictures/video from at least 500 phones in 2wks now?
Why are they waiting for just 1 LCC Camera?
Ok, CNN was ANALYZING those bullet casings to show that it was LIVE BULLETS from the @HQNigerianArmy.
These name tags that @channelstv showed us as a sign of Army, were they taken from Army running away? Who brought them to Lekki to IMPLICATE @HQNigerianArmy? Any comment?
If those name tags & rank tags of @HQNigerianArmy could be brought to Lekki in order to implicate Army, couldn't bullet casings & the likes also be brought by the same people? Was this not a well planned crisis?
Can we say name tags dropped from the Army with AK47 with them?
So what's the conclusion about this poorly CUT & JOIN story of CNN?
They hope to instigate the same crisis they have instigated in Syria, Iraq, Libya. Unknown to them, THIS IS NIGERIA. We know your game. @StephanieBusari will eventually face the music.
Nigeria is not Conquered!
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