When I see someone with young kids getting advice to save more or pay off their mortgage more aggressively I have to wonder whether ppl are in touch, at all, with the reality of childcare. #ableg #universalchildcarenow
My childcare ~$1200 per month. In kindergarten it went down to $650, grade 1-5 OSC $430. I have three kids.

A quick estimate:
($1200*4yrs*12ms)+($650*1*12)+($430*5*12ms) = $91,200.

I'll have spent ballpark 90 grand per child on childcare.

That's $270,000 total on childcare
If you think that universal k-12 education is a good thing, and universal healthcare is a good thing. I don't understand why you don't recognize the importance of investing in universal early education, aka universal childcare.
There is evidence that it has benefit to women, to families, to kids. That it boosts the economy, creates jobs, increases the tax base. It promotes universal access to QUALITY care in a way that user pay systems never will. It's win win win win win.
And 'means testing' folks need to think about why we don't means test for k-12 and healthcare. Means testing adds an extra layer of bureaucracy, is a barrier to access, is a waste of money and resources. Tax the rich, tax me more fcs, and let's make sure everyone has access.
The @abndpcaucus universal childcare plan has the potential to completely transform our society for the better and I hope to see it implemented after the next election. God knows Kenney will never invest in a program that primarily benefits working/middle class families and women
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