Where are the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the U.S. now?

States that didn't keep up forceful virus containment efforts or implement basic measures in the first place are seeing the worst surges now, our analysis of University of Oxford data shows. https://nyti.ms/3pKBUu8 
Our charts show how the number of new cases in each state relate to the state’s recent containment measures.

They show that:
— North Dakota and South Dakota had few recent measures — and now, the worst outbreaks.
— Hawaii had the strictest measures and is seeing few cases.
Hospitalizations show a similar trend: The states with fewer recent containment measures have higher hospitalization rates.
In recent days, the governors of Iowa, North Dakota and Utah imposed mask mandates for the first time since the outbreak began.

We’re tracking the patchwork of policies and the openings and closings for each state. See more here. https://nyti.ms/3eh2xjv 
The Oxford effort tracks the policies governments use, or don’t use, to contain the virus, such as contact tracing, mask mandates and restrictions on gatherings.

A look at the states with the fewest and most restrictions tells a vivid story of their effectiveness.
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