Yes, I know the talking point is that Hillary's concession speech is the only thing any leading Democrat, Hillary included, has said about the 2016 election. We both know that is nonsense. But it is in your interests now to pretend a lot of the past four years never happened.
We're gonna have to do this thing again where @ThePlumLineGS insists that none of this ever happened.
We're gonna have @ThePlumLineGS pretend that this never happened.
We're gonna have @ThePlumLineGS explain how our eyes & ears were lying to us about this stuff and none of it ever happened.
I could go on. We all lived through four years of this. We all lived through 8 years of it under Bush. You don't get to pretend now that nobody remembers any of it.
Some of us remember.
The thing about arguing with progressives is, they really believe that nobody remembers what they said or did in the past. Just keep swimming!
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