the reality is 80% of GOP officials are taking a flier that this shit will sorta pass on & dynamics will reset without trump at the steering wheel when in fact they’ll be the first officials to get knifed in the back by this shit from their own right flank
ridiculously poor calculation on their part that democrats will bear the brunt of torching electoral faith when the real methodology suggests the far right will happily occupy its time waging total civil war within the GOP against anyone deemed insufficiently loyal to MAGA
in 2022 marco rubio will beat some lunatic who spent the campaign raving about european voting machines and secret child traffickers by six points and then get set on fire by that opponent who refuses to admit they lost
dipshits like ted and marco are all gonna get primaried by complete lunatic extremists and in some of those cases the complete lunatic extremists will either win the primary, or just say fuck you I won the primary no matter what the math says and then split their tickets
there is no “democrats only” setting to eradicating electoral faith in the GOP. it’s wildfire and it goes wherever it wants, including your own idiot house
upshot: republicans who think this shit is a fantastic tool to steamroll democrats may in fact find themselves getting steamrolled first by their deranged right flank, then by democrats exploiting split factions within the GOP
now, what was I saying

oh right. they’re gonna run ted & marco & every other empty GOP suit who only has it in them to half-ass the crazy obedience out of town on a rail with this shit
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