Would you feel embarrassed if you got covid?
/Should/ people who get covid feel embarrassed?
Is shame an effective way to control people's behaviour (assuming you would want to do so) to have them take less risky behaviour?
Should we shame people with illnesses which impact others and can be easily avoided?
Is addiction and illness?
Should we shame adults for smoking around children?
Does "increases societal cost of providing X" count as harming others? E.g. If the gvt provided bikes, and I spent my time smashing them, am I harming anyone?
Should I be shamed for that harm?
Assume healthcare is a socially shared burden. If I smoke, but not around kids, should I be shamed for that?
Should I be shamed for being obese, increasing the burden on the healthcare system through my co-morbidities?
Should I be shamed for engaging in high risk sexual behaviour (sex with strangers, sex without protection, group sex)?
This thread brought to you be hearing someone feel ashamed for getting covid

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