The @realDonaldTrump and @SecPompeo clearance sale to Israel's settlers and annexationists is in overdrive - paving way for one state, erasing the Green Line and legitimizing permanent occupation. Their moves - like sandcastles by the sea - will wash away in tides of history. 1/
Incoming Biden admin should, on taking office, make clear that (a) Kushner’s annexation plan is off the table; (b) the US again supports a serious two-state solution; (c) WB settlements, resource exploitation, restrictions on Palestinian rights are all violations of int'l law. 2/
Distinction btw Israel and territory it occupies must be maintained for sake of Israel’s future and Palestinian rights. Products made in the territories should not be labeled “Made in Israel" and no US dollars should go to Israeli programs, institutions in occupied territory. 3/
At the same time, Palestinians must take steps too - such as prisoner payment reform under consideration - and re-engaging with Israeli security forces and Gulf neighbors as they are doing. They too must demonstrate seriousness as diplomatic partners in two-state resolution. 4/
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