ICU beds in Oklahoma are at capacity. And yet a mega church pulls a stunt like this!!

Rather than just rant, let me analyze.

Two huge problems this points out with all of Christianity (not the faith, the organization):

1. Every major belief... something you must “take on faith”. Institutionalized church does not push people to consider alternatives or seek evidence and proof for basic doctrines.

2. They teach people to accept the authority of people over their lives. They must trust them.

Faith and trust=COVID
Here is how:

If a person is told to trust spiritual authorities like the leaders of this mega church, then they must ignore the news, the scientists and statistics and just ‘trust’ that god won’t let them die or get sick.

and that their leaders know what is best for them.
This is a sickness greater than COVID.
Stop trusting other people.
Stop giving authority to others over your life
Stop believing things without any personal investigation.

And, if you grew up in this process, begin to consider you may have been so indoctrinated, you’re lost.
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