My objection to 'pronouns in the bio' isn't aimed at naive supporters ie suburban lefties who were late to every other liberation movement & think, therefore, that unconditional support for Trans Demands is the equivalent of being a white person on the Freedom bus to Alabam 1961.
Or perhaps it is. I have little patience for neo liberal individualistic identity posturing. So I just contemptuous of the keyboard warriors.

My real concern is that quandary: if a man's pronouns are 'she/her', do I go along with the lie for a quiet life or do I reflect reality
Not that pronouns matter that much. I tend to use 'you' when speaking directly to them. When speaking about them, they're generally not around.

But if for a quietifeI accept a man as 'she', what next?
Now, I'm not a fan of slippery slope/thin end of the wedge theory, and I also think when interacting with people, you give a little bit of ground to their self image (typically: "oh, come on, you're not that old/fat").
But most things happen incrementally. Whether it's deliberate change in social policy (eg equalizing age of male gay sex -> civil partnerships ->) or natural phenomenon eg virus infections or quasi-natural like increasing popularity of a product.
And so, I'm very uneasy about being obliged to refer to a man as she, because that's suggesting that I should consider them to be a woman.

This of course then gives them the demand to encroach into, to colonise women's territory.
This can be territory that has been traditionally sex segregated for the privacy & dignity of all and additionally for the protection of women.

Or it can be opportunities - bursaries, reserved positions, prizes, etc - that seek to address the disadvantage women face.
Everytime I see a promotion for 'women, non binary people & people who identify as women's I ask myself: how does this address the well documented facts that women, in general, are less likely to rise & do so more slowly than men.
This is for several somewhat interconnected reasons. Young women/girls see fewer female role models in most roles. Girls are socialised, even at school, not to be pushy or to speak up, to allow men & boys to dominate both the physical space & the vocal space
And, although there are more exceptions to this, most women undergo pregnancy & childbirth, and most of them bear the lion's share of childcare, then elder care, then grandchild care, leaving less time to develop a career or talent or calling.
So, men who identify as trans or NB have been brought up to speak up and aim high, they have subconsciously absorbed the dominant patterns of behaviour in society and subconsciously copied it. And they don't get pregnant & rarely have a primary caring role.
But they want to muscle in /cash in on that extra support open to some women to reduce the disadvantage they have compared to comparator men., thereby corrupting & frustrating the purpose of the training, mentorship, AWS.
Which is why I can't be doing with pampered and shielded middle class twats who think pointlessly inserting pronouns in their bio is a benign act of simple solidarity.
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