THREAD: Here's some crucial background as to why Pompeo visited the Psagot Winery today. It's a simple story of political donors that bankroll politicians and Christian evangelicals.
In July 2020, Pompeo went to a dinner sponsored by Simon Falic, the owner of Duty Free Americas (those airport shops) and a major funder of Israeli settlements. The Falic Family are majority owners of the Psagot Winery.
The Falic Family has contributed millions of dollars to the GOP--and this Pompeo visit to the Psagot Winery the family owns will surely help Pompeo during a future presidential run.
There's the Christian evangelical part too: HaYovel is a Christian group that brings American Christians to the West Bank to volunteer in settlements. One destination? The Psagot Winery.
Forging a close link to Psagot Winery, then, will help Pompeo forge a tight bond with a crucial part of the GOP base, white Christian evangelicals.
Also at that dinner sponsored by Falic? Evangelical activist Bob Vander Plaats. And what do you know Vander Plaats encouraged Pompeo to go to Psagot
One thing that will be interesting/depressing to watch is who the Falic Family chooses to bankroll in a future GOP primary. Ron DeSantis? Mike Pompeo? They've got options! Those primary discussions on Israel will be pulled way to the right.
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