The highest risk of bad outcomes in COVID is in individuals who are exposed to the virus, infected by the virus and metabolically unhealthy. Therefore, there are 3 potentials areas to take action in: 1) Avoid exposure 2) Prevent infection once exposed 3) Improve metabolic health
Avoiding Exposure: The virus is essentially everywhere. Complete isolation from society for an indeterminate amount of time is not practical on a mass scale. Limited lockdowns in certain geographic areas have not been effective.
Prevent Infection: Masks, with the possible exception of N95 do not protect the wearer from infection. Hence: My mask protects you and your mask protects me. The Danish study echoes this.
Vaccines: Effectiveness of the vaccines is being tested for preventing symptomatic infection, not preventing infection. The goal, on a global scale is to have enough people get infected via vaccine with minimal effects to induce herd immunity.
Prophylaxis: HCQ, Zinc, Vitamin D have shown some effectiveness in preventing infection. This may be helpful for high risk people.
Improve metabolic health: Restricting (ideally eliminating) processed carbohydrates, sugar and processed oils leads to rapid improvement. This can be accomplished by anyone and there is no need to depend on the rest of society, Pharma or the government to act on your behalf.
My advice is to prioritize improving your metabolic health. If you can’t or won’t then it is probably a good idea to isolate yourself as possible, consider prophylaxis, wear an N95 mask and hope for a vaccine. The choice is yours.
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