By his tireless campaigning to such a degree Trump was doing 5 Rallies A DAY to build a Red Pilled TSUNAMI that would crush the Democrat's hopes of a close Election so they could then STEAL it.
Trump's campaign will turn out to have been an overwhelming success **once the manipulated #'s the Democrats used to CHEAT are corrected to the actual #'s**
If the Servers seized overseas contain those accurate #'s are proof of MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD
President Trump was well on his way to a LANDSLIDE victory on Election Night when six KEY STATES suddenly stopped counting **all at the same time**
Ridiculous excuses were given as to why that happened.
A Broken Water Main! (Atlanta, GA)
"Our people are tired!" (Philadelphia, PA)
Then around 4 AM several States had MASSIVE Ballot dumps, 100's of thousands of Ballots.
99+ % of them for Biden.
A statistical impossibility.
As the MSM & Social Media immediately kicked in to shield THE STEAL by censoring or banning anyone calling out the blatant POWER PLAY.
Now we're learning WHY those KEY STATES had to stop counting. The Democrats realized just at midnight that Trump was going to WIN & WIN BIG.
A DISASTER! (for them)
The SOFTWARE MODEL they had prepared to use to ensure Biden won was set up for a CLOSE RACE.
They were F****D!
A CRISIS POINT had been reached.
They had two options open to them & neither of them were appealing.
1. Concede & allow the Trump Landslide.
2. Cheat like Mother Humping BANDITS.
Their SMARTMATIC Software could manipulate the Election in REAL TIME <---it was designed to do that.
@SidneyPowell1 states the Democrats decided to GO BIG & cheat as all of America looked on in the hopes their Allies in the News & Social Media would be able to crush all outcry against it as they brazenly declared victory in "the fairest of all Elections!"
To change the #'s so drastically & REPLACE the Model they'd prepared for a CLOSE Race, they had to stop the count to reset SMARTMATIC for a new Model that ERASED the Trump Landslide & gave Democrats the win instead.
Take a second to grasp the SHEER DESPERATION of this move.
They intended to cheat no matter what.
But President Trump KNEW THAT & that's why he built that Red Wave so high.
As the Democrats prepared their Election Night STEAL the President was making sure any & all preparations they made would be woefully incorrect.
The FREEZE on Ballot counting & the manipulated #'s was so bizarre & OBVIOUS Americans took to the Streets in outrage.
As the Mainstream & Social Media mercilessly attacked anyone who challenged THE STEAL.
The gaslighting & censoring have reached draconian levels.
President Trump is **just now** finding out about the SMARTMATIC & DOMINION Systems the Dems have been using FOR YEARS?
Joe Dementia spilled the Beans=
Thanks Joe!
People are once again thinking WAY TOO SMALL.
President Trump isn't just going to reverse the Democrat STEAL on 2020, he's going to reverse 2018.
He's going to PROVE 2012 was stolen.
This is THE END of the Democrat Party.
Where's Chuck & Nancy?
Here's a visual of their MOOD right now (SEE PIC)
They're HIDING in their basements in sheer PANIC and @RichardGrenell @SidneyPowell1 & @RudyGiuliani are revealing ALL OF THEIR ELECTION FRAUD on & since Election Night.
Each interview is more DAMNING than the one before.
The Democrats are realizing Trump KNEW what they did in 2018 & HOW they did it.
Nov. 3rd, as Thomas Wictor has said, was the MOTHER of all Tiger Traps set by Trump for these cheating Sh*tweasels.
To avoid disaster all they would have to do is NOT TRY TO STEAL THE ELECTION.
President Trump was setting himself up for victory NO MATTER HOW THIS PLAYS OUT.
1. The Dems don't use their nifty CHEATING SYSTEM & Trump glides to a Landslide Victory with a Mandate to END all the Chaos the Dems have created Nationwide
2. They cheat & Trump ENDS them.
"OK, so WHY hasn't he DONE ANYTHING yet?"
Thanks for asking!
He's not just interested in demolishing ONE Enemy of the American People when he can CRUSH Three with one blow.
The VILE MSM, Social Media & the Foreign Influence manipulating THEM behind the scenes need crushing too.
They upped the ante on their attempts to manipulate Americans during #HunterGate & did succeed in killing most coverage of the scandal.
But not on the Internet. (Streisand Effect)
Word got out anyway.
Now look at #StopTheSteal
It's 100 TIMES the Effect.
Americans are PISSED!
As 40% of the Country (Staunch DemocRATS) smugly SNEER at us "Canya PROVE it?"
Trump is going to prove it. He's going to GRIND your smarmy faces in it until it's raw & you beg him to stop.
But right now we are in the DISCOVERY PHASE.
Where WE are shown what they did.
This is the period where THE STAGE is set.
The Radical Left are showing those who voted for THEM that they are going to LOCK DOWN HARDER than ever.
The Riots aren't going to stop as they compile Enemies Lists & dream of Reeducation Camps & Struggle Sessions.
A Dystopian HELL.
As the Media tries to YAMMER any & all opposition into silence to accept their NU Emperor=a child sniffing Corruptocrat who's Brain's dribbling out of his ears.
The Media is floating a FALSE NARRATIVE as our Reality.
When Trump destroys that Reality he will RED PILL millions.
The once insurmountable & overwhelming power of the MSM will be broken & I mean BROKEN forever.
By the time Trump's done 80% of Americans will be free of their MIND POISON & can begin to think & live LIKE AMERICANS again.
The remaining 20%?
They're LOST.
Spock vs MSM=
We'll have to be vigilant to defend ourselves from THE LOST.
That's where this man & many like him come in.
Ezra Cohen Watnick.
Special Operations are being made their own MILITARY DEPARTMENT **on par** with existing branches of the military like the Army & Navy.
Because Antifa & BLM have FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS ($$$, Support & TRAINING) they were being groomed to become a homegrown ISIS.
So Trump is preparing to deal with them.
As our ENDLESS WARS end the FORCES OF CHAOS will try to spark more chaos over here.
Asymmetrical Warfare is the future. Trump's plan was to end the wars which is why the Generals turned on him.
So Special Operations is being PULLED OUT of their chain of command.
So they can't leak or impede THE DEFENSE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
(it actually hurt me to admit this)
Bolton & the Crowd Trump USED mercilessly as cover are INVESTED in conflict.
I'll take hurt FEE FEES over dead kids any day.
So our Enemies will ramp up YE OLDE TERRORISM just like they did in the early 70's.
When 30 BOMBINGS a day Nationwide
The DoJ & Special Operations will be able to handle the Malcontents as their Direct Action networks are completely compromised via informants, undercovers & surveillance.
(But it's always a good idea to be personally vigilant & mindful)
Their attempts to spark chaos will fizzle.
So, while we cooling our Heels waiting for all this to play out just know ALL IS WELL.
Trump is ACTING like he's going to be President for another Term because that's exactly what THE SCRIPT SAYS.
Trump outta know.
He's DIRECTING this Movie!
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