The best brainwashing trick the Democrats are using on the public is the assertion that because we do not yet having court-confirmed proof of election fraud it means there was no fraud.
For a normal crime -- let's say a burglary or murder -- no evidence of a crime could reasonably be interpreted to mean no crime happened. But an election should be seen as a "situation." And this particular situation GUARANTEES fraud to some extent.
Fraud ALWAYS happens when you have this setup: 1) Lots to gain by cheating, 2) Cheating is feasible, and 3) Lots of people involved (so you know some crooks are in the mix). That describes our election system.
A more honest statement about alleged election fraud in 2020 is that it is guaranteed to exist in some amount, perhaps trivially, perhaps a lot, but no one is looking in the right places to see how much of it there is, so no conclusion can be made.
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