All right some of y'all gettin' a little rowdy at the poor RDRConfessions account so I'm going to say this once: I have spent too damn long in the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom's toxic death threat quagmire to have any tolerance of genuine hatred in fandom.
I know that mocking people and shitting on ships can be "fun" and "cool" and get you "woke" brownie points but I am Too Damn Old for it. These are fictional characters and fictional spaces. Leave folk alone if they ain't hurting nobody - and I mean *real* folk.
We don't need fandom police and we sure as hell don't need a moral crusade "purifying" folks' thoughts and bullying folk into "correct" behavior and the "correct" fandom experience. This game readily invites diverse interpretations, so leave folk alone for doing so.
Cultivate your own fandom space by all means, avoid the things that either squick you or make you genuinely upset - lord knows vanderm*rgan and m*rston make me genuinely upset - but I refuse to go after folk with a hatchet for it, cause I've already seen the end product.
(The end product is someone baking needles into a bunch of cookies and then giving them to a fandom creator at a con resulting in painful injury, HELLOOO Undertale fandom)
And lastly, we owe it to ourselves to not let our own fandom experiences be mired down by becoming distraught at folk interpreting things differently than we do. Y'know I used to be an anti back in Voltron? Dropped that real quick after the anti tide turned against my OTP.
I don't like condemning people as depraved predators or as stupid or whatever else in my fandom experience. I focus on the love instead - my love for these characters, and my love for seeing folk have a good time. Things I don't like, I avoid. /fin
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