I've contributed to @CyberUpCampaign's Report on reforming the Computer Misuse Act.

Now is a great opportunity to update a former world-leading piece of legislation so it is fit for the modern cyber times we live in.

You can read the report here: https://zurl.co/gsbF 
The Computer Misuse Act went on the statute
book in 1990 when 0.5% of the
UK’s population used the internet regularly.

There are now real concerns among the cyber
community that this law is impeding
their ability to protect the nation
from the evolving range of cyber threats
We can't afford to be left behind in the field of cyber security. We have to ensure our country has the ability and resources to properly defend against cyber-criminals.
If ever there was going to be a time to prioritise the rapid modernisation of our cyber legislation, it is now, when our reliance on safe, reliable and resilient digital technologies has been brought into stark relief by the coronavirus
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