Today on #InternationalMensDay2020 I am going to use it to celebrate some truly pathetic men. Just absolute pieces of garbage. Let’s start with @stillgray, a piece of shit who deserves to be pilloried everywhere he goes in his home country of...Malaysia.
Next up on our #InternationalMensDay2020 piece of shit list: @aubrey_huff, a guy who saw how much everyone hates Curt Schilling and was like, “I want that.” Just a detestable waste who should have been swallowed before he reached the womb.
Next up on our garbage men of #InternationalMensDay2020 list is @benshapiro, a racist hobbit that we all wish would find a magic ring that makes him disappear.
Next for the most hated people on #InternationalMensDay2020 we have @charliekirk11, a man whose soul is the only thing grosser than his weird ass mouth. He decided to make being a college Republican into a career, ensuring that all women will hate him forever.
Let’s combine @DonaldJTrumpJr and @EricTrump on our shit men of #InternationalMensDay2020 list. Two men who have such a misguided idea of what masculinity is that they look to their father for it. They also think hunting endangered species for sport is manly.
Next up on the #InternationalMensDay2020 garbage bag list is @DanCrenshawTX. The real hero of Dan’s story: his right eye that won a violent divorce from his face and doesn’t have to listen to his racist tripe ever again.
Who can forget about the jerkoff from @TRAPTOFFICIAL on #InternationalMensDay2020? They are now routinely outsold by every 13-year-old Soundcloud rapper. A “successful” career to them now is playing in front of 30 Proud Boys and spreading COVID amongst each other like the clap.
Hey it’s @Jim_Jordan comin at you from the showers on #InternationalMensDay2020! His claim to fame is having the most cauliflowered ears in the house (#2 is Liz Cheney) and doing more for creepy old shower perverts than the people in his district!
You can follow @notwilliamzabka.
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