Microdosing shrooms is like the cheat code to life lmao
My higher self be havin me floating thru my daily activities like 😂
FYI: a lot of y’all want to try shrooms but aren’t ready! You will know when you’re ready when they speak to you! Shrooms hold their own frequency from the ancient master teachers. Do your research. Be intentional, then manifest them. Don’t be buyin them from just anyone either. https://twitter.com/euphemiaspeaks/status/1329493564460503045
For the vibe you just want to be sure you’re grounded, (meditate & journal intentions) in a closed intimate space w/ trusted ppl & access to nature (if u can) & also, liquid fast or eat a raw diet 24hr prior. The shrooms will interact w/ anything you eat so eat light.
I don’t take much but I recommend buying an eighth (3.5) & slowly starting from there. Ween into it, & vibe w/ it. As the shrooms process so will your healing, & expect some shadows to appear, don’t be afraid tho, this is an opportunity to pour soul much love into yourself. :)
Shameless post! 🌞 Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in my offerings. Let’s connect: [email protected] đŸ’«

I don’t check my DMs hardly ever, but I ALWAYS respond to emails. Also any love donations are graciously received 💚 $MoneyMagnetMia 🧿 https://twitter.com/euphemiaspeaks/status/1329601963223375872
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