Pening sbb tak tahu nak mula dari mana? Saya bukanlah pakar marketing sbb saya lebih kpd Strategic Direction & Org. Management. Tapi saya guna process ni semasa jadi Product Manager.

Summarization dari buku, blog & pengalaman.
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1. Master the Basic

Nak buka business/company. Kena fhm asas2 penting. If you can’t be specialist, at least be a great generalist.

Understand the core principles, methods later. Pusing mana2 methods pun, principles sama. Dah faham, baru blh tanya the right leading questions.
2. See from Birds Eye view.

Fahamkan permulaan sampai pengakhiran. Jgn main petik certain part. Business ni all parts integrated especially kalau nak build reliable brand.

If you want to lead, as a leader (everyone of you), you should start see things from bigger perspective.
3. Be critical, detailed and process - oriented.

Haa, ni bagi free from beginning till the end (iteration loop lagi) mcm mana nak connect all the parts & make into one complete process.

Make sure every part ada
- Activity
- Efficient & Effectiveness Metrics
Tu je lah.

Tak pakar? Takpe blh belajar.
Master the basic, keep the routine. You need to focus more on consistency and not intensity.

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