THREAD: Just wanted to take a moment to be grateful for my day job, and make sure any aspiring #screenwriters aren't seeing mine or anyone else's wins, as their losses. Without my freelance digital writing, I have no doubt I would have had a harder time with my screenwriting...
2/ Before Dec/Jan, I couldn't start. I've known I wanted to do screenwriting again for years, but I was scared to start because I often get lost in #adhd hyperfocus, or give up, and feel like a failure. Entering competitions through @coverfly @filmfreeway unlocked something...
3/ Suddenly, there was a sense of urgency, the idea of validation, that producing something would lead to something. This worked for me, but it's so important I reiterate that I wouldn't have been able to afford to enter that many competitions without my day job...
4/ I had a terrible time in employment for years, seriously I've done most things. From serving wedding guests in a damp cellar with plastic cups and buckets, to being a Hippo at Hamley's toystore, a P!NK tribute that was jeered offstage, an aerobics instructor, recruiter, PA...
5/ the list goes on... eventually I refound my writing (studied in the 90's, yes I'm that old) through marketing. In 2 years I was promoted twice, awesome? Got employee of the quarter, whoop! Then, I left my husband, my job and went to university full-time at 30...
6/ to study creative and media writing, well it was journalism but I switch 2nd year, but anyway! Point being, I've been fighting to get back to creative writing for years, but I just couldn't stick it out. I didn't understand why, I fell back into marketing.
7/ It was tough. Promise of glitter in cool TV companies/marketing agencies, but "same shit different show" (see TV pilot GLITTER BOX!) - eventually, after so many gruelling experiences in the workplace, I escaped employment, see here:
8/ I went freelance in 2016, overtime I became empowered, raised my rate, only worked with clients I loved, no idea why I had to give a shit to do my job, but I learned it was my only choice. I was earning double freelance, to my full-time job...
9/ I lost all my clients at once one January, but found bigger and better ones very fast. I learned to build a "blind belief" system, that if I continued to put myself out there, do a good job, eventually the clients would come. I became "fiercly authentic" as I called it...
10/ both in my writing & meetings with prospective clients. I only wanted the clients I "clicked with" so why put on a facade? So, having written a blog for Virgin on neurodiversity in the workplace & being, like, Oh! That's me! ...
11/ I got diagnosed with #adhd by the wonderful @NancyDoylePsych @geniuswithinCIC who told me my #spikeyprofile which meant I immediately felt encouraged, not upset (superior verbal doncha know). That was it, the turning point. But I still was scared to write again...
12/ it was seeing a Jan deadline for @bbcwritersroom in Dec 2019 that triggered something in me, my hyperfocus kicked in. I wrote my first TV pilot Glitter Box in 10 days, albeit what I now know was a rough AF first draft & luckily it turned out I got the wrong deadline, typical!
13/ comedy deadline wasn't until April. But I needed to "ship it" or I'd never do my day job again, I was deep in #adhd hyperfocus. Enter @Coverfly. Found, entered a competition, got feedback. Feedback led to rewrites, clicks, got into the quarterfinals (comedy contest) hooked...
14/ there's a lot of controversy about competitions, which I totally understand. But for once in my life, I could afford to invest in myself. I could afford to get "hooked" and truthfully I got carried away for a bit. But, you know what? I wouldn't have 3 solid pilots otherwise..
15/ point is, avoiding more "life story" vibes, without my day job, without failing at marketing, escaping & going freelance, & learning how to navigate that life, I wouldn't be so driven, focused & validated, because I wouldn't have been able to afford to do competitions...
16/ typically, I've digressed. But I wanted to make sure noone was seeing my "wins" & seeing them as their losses. I entered a lot of comps, cause I could afford too. Because I am a digital writer. I've developed faster, becuase I've been writing for 12 years...
17/ I have a long way to go, but I also know where I am now is a target for some. Someone always wants what you already have. You will find your way, just keep going. Sure, there's gonna be shit bits, but any good story needs them. If it's not okay, you're not there yet [END]
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