"I want to contribute to Kubernetes, how do i get started?"

First step join kubernetes slack at https://slack.k8s.io  (Join at least #kubernetes-dev)
Second step browse the contributor oriented resources at https://k8s.dev 

Say you are interested in SIG-Node (how to work with runtimes like containerd/docker/cri-o) etc then

(replace the name of the sig to find the sig of your choice)

How do you make releases? Can i participate to learn? Hell YES!

Is there a dashboard for tracking what PRs i am working?


You have too many bots, how do i interact with them? what are the commands?


The code base is too big, you have too many github orgs, i don't want to pull everything down to search for something.

We have you covered : https://cs.k8s.io/ 

What are the CI jobs in the queue? something is stuck i wanna know!


Some of the CI jobs in my PR failed, looks unrelated, where do i check if this is just a problem with my PR?


One last thing! we don't care what you know or don't know. there's tons of things to do. We are all learning here, all the time.

Please just show up to chop wood and carry water as we say in this community! 🙏
You can follow @dims.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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