Sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit. Kang takut mati. #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
Heart rate per minute okay sikit hari ni. Less lari, more power exercise. Layan tiga stage + boss. Peluh masuk mata. Feeling great. #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
Morning workout. Difficulty up a notch. 11 minutes power exercise+5 minutes jogging. Lenjan tiga round, nak tambah lagi seround, game cakap kalau enjoy pun jangan over. Okay, dengar cakap game. Kang petang kita onz. #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
Total damage 400 calories. Not feeling like cheating yet. Maybe tomorrow kot. Salad Atelier Sunway Velocity is the shit.
I’m so proud of myself lol
Tanpa rasa bersalah order kuey teow goreng
I don’t think it’s fair if I didn’t workout today. Did some reps to break a little sweat. And chicken shawarma over burgerlab kot for lunch. Diet still plays the more important role. I figured if I can’t lose weight fast or at all, just do it to not feel sluggish.
Unlocked level 20 and plank. I’m questioning my life decisions. #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
Cukuplah tu lepas break Monday. (Sedapkan hati sendiri)
Finally kalahkan Dragaux lol
Day 10
Ni Dila Raden ke? Cam tak caye je. #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
The other day I was telling my friend that I’d rather give up and die kalau kena kejar ngan zombie. Well, I take that back. I’m ready now. Btw, I’m taking the machete cause melee weapons>ranged. Thanks, Left 4 Dead!
Hari ni aku belajar yang kita boleh burn calories dengan berlakon jadi pokok.
Day 12. Level 42. I no longer running out of breath. High five sikit (proceeds to high five diri sendiri).
Day 13. Aku macam nak pengsan tadi. Sugar withdrawal kot. Terpaksa la aku habiskan tau fu fah ni. Heueheueheheuehejehehehheh
Heyooooo. That’s 1,000 reps anak harammmmmm
Day 14 on RingFit. My heart rate showed a tremendous improvement. I’m gonna fucking rule the world!
Since today’s Saturday, aku main je satu round RingFit kalahkan Dragaux and move on to next map. Tak banyak burn, I think about 30 calories je. Yang lebih2 tu sebab aku buat cardio+sculpt high intensity 40 minit. Jam selalu ingat kau burn lebih #RingFit #NintendoSwitch
Aku lupa tekan jam halfway. Kira halal lah. #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
Day 17 on RingFit. This game has changed my life. 💪🏻💪🏻
Late shift hari ni. Kalau rajin sambung lagi 100 calories lepas shift. 💪🏻💪🏻
53 kali plank, not even once berhenti meniarap. Let’s go!
Day 20 yes! Hari ni aku punya mood tak berapa okay + cramps so kita senam ringan je.
After Monday rest. Heart rate went crazyyyy.
Day 22 on RingFit. Pagi tadi sempat lari 3km. Sempat ke aku nak 75kg by Sunday? Kamon! #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
Day 23. Aku naikkan difficulty dua notch. Sikit lagi nak mampos. Peluh macam hujan.
Enam hari lagi nak cukup 30 hari on RingFit. So far dah turun 6kg takleh challenge mat pinoy yang turun 9kg tu 😭
Post satay workout day 25 (?). Terus kena “this exercise may be beyond your limits” 😢
Day 26 on RingFit. Masih belum 76kg. Sikitttt lagi.
Day 27. Sekarang makin susah nak burn calories even exercising during longer period of time. I’m not running out of breath like at all. But penat muscle.
Day 28. Penat aku exercise sambil bercakap untuk tujuan demo.
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