I wanted to tell y’all a little inside medicine stuff that drs, nurses, and pharmacists already know full well about but you the general public might not be aware of and just might scare you. 1/
We in the medical world have full knowledge of when, where you got your medication. But who prescribed it, what it is, and how you take it. Not just from that one provider, meaning your dr knows his or the pharmacist knows the ones at his pharmacy ....2/
....we know all your information from every pharmacy and dr every where in america. The most invasive form would be the prescription drug monitoring programs that are set up in 49 states. Now what is a PMP? 3/
The PMP can tell a Healthcare worker exactly what controlled substance you received from anywhere! Now it used to be a program that was a tool for healthcare workers to mitigate diversion of control drugs. Starting out innocently to track cocaine usage in the early 20th century.
Now it has turned into a nanny state watchdog that is not only encouraged but in some states mandated for healthcare workers to check what meds you are taking every time you get a control prescription. 4/
And in some states if the information is not checked the healthcare worker themself is fined! For each offense of not checking the PMP! 5/
You think “well matt I don’t want people getting addicted! And I don’t want people dr hopping!” Well me neither but it’s not that anymore. Now it is what you are taking and why you are taking it. 6/
Let’s say you take something to help you sleep. Ambien or maybe temazepam. Then maybe you go to your dentist and they do a root canal and he gives you some hydrocodone for the pain. That doesn’t sound like an addict does it? 7/
Not only will your dr be alerted to the fact that you got hydrocodone from a dentist but will be strongly suggested by the state for you to be taken off that sleep med via a letter or electronic communication! 8/
That’s crazy, matt! But wait there’s more, each of you is given an Overdose Risk Score (ORS) that is to be recorded every time you get a prescription like that. Like a credit score for your medications. That all healthcare workers can find at the flick of a key. 9/
This isn’t hidden knowledge just google it yourself. It’s becoming increasingly burdensome on not only the patient to be bothered by this but also the healthcare worker to keep up with all this red tape in the name of safety! 10/
Now youre thinking now cmon matt, I just take something for my anxiety and yeah I had tooth pulled and he gave me some norco I think I won’t be looked at as a junkie! Hmmm that combo will automatically put your score in the triple digits. 11/
The score goes from 0-999. Over a 450 you have to be counseled and in some cases a dr will just cut you off entirely. And in a lot of cases a dr will discontinue the meds that are working for a much smaller score! 12/
Why are you telling us this matt! Because you are continuing to give up your liberty for safety. Yes drug overdose is horrible and the epidemic is very real. Drug companies have pushed their product for decades under the guise that its not addictive. 13/
But it is quite the opposite. Hydrocodone and other opiods and narcotics are very addictive and dangerous just by themselves. And in combo with benzodiazepines they are even more dangerous! 14/
MATT! You just scared me now you’re telling me that the PMP is good they are monitoring those people. Those people are you. Even with the smallest dose you are being watched. Meds that you have taken for years! You have to be watched like children. 15/
A lot of prescription overdoses occur not when someone has stopped taking the high dose they used to take that was effective and months or years later say “oh I have this again! I better take that dosage right now of these old meds” Ur body is not ready for that jump. 16/
You take that high dose you were once taking 2 years ago from an old bottle you have the possibility of going into respiratory distress. You breathing goes so low u just pass out and expire. A lot of times in your sleep. 17/
Now how would a PMP help me know that you have a bottle of Xanax that u used to take 2 years ago for severe anxiety and then u get a rx for norco from your doc and you get an attack and you take it and whamo youre in the ER. 18/
It can’t! These systems put into place are just the start of what youre seeing with other monitoring programs and restrictions like covid! That’s why I keep saying that these restrictions will never go away! Once you let govt in, they’re like a tick burrowed in.19/
You give your liberty up for safety, you’re a fool. Like the citizens in 1920s Russia gave up there entire freedom and liberty up for food! “Wait were not communist! You sound like you’re describing communism but.. with...extra..steps...” uh oh. 20/
We’re at a turning point in history. These restrictions are not about safety, they are about control. So do you want to be in a nice padded safe cell or a wide open nation? Do you want a leash or just to be left alone? 21/
Safety is important. That’s why we got big fat medical type degrees. To know how to save and help you. But when the govt gets involved and makes me spoon feed you instead of me and you using common sense. That’s a problem. 22/
Take a stand now. Because if you don’t, you’ll be on your knees later. Don’t give them one more inch. Important decisions are about to be made. The question is, is it made by you or by them. ~end~
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