The temptation is to go “LOL you only just noticed”, but this is at least one million voters here: nice liberals who are switched on enough to notice a high profile racism scandal hammering the left, but not enough to smell a rat when the right skates on deporting black people.
Strip away the bullshit and the Tories won by 1) riling up retired spite voters over Brexit and 2) the press convincing a million small-l liberals Labour were constructing an empire of hate. Stuff like this will happen again and again, as long as these people can be played.
The good news is, you can get these folk onside if, as in 2017, the press and Tories are overconfident. The bad news is that a) they are the most complacent, easily led and easily trolled people in the world and b) the national press is rammed to bursting with people like this.
If The Minister for Sending Them Back resigns for racism while the entire political press agrees she’s been unfairly treated; is brought back immediately and later resigns to a cushy Times job and the government keeps sending them back anyway, you shouldn’t need an explanation.
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