Gentle reminder that yes, it's good to challenge the idea that trans men transition purely to "join the oppressor class".

But bad to:

- insist trans men cannot be misogynistic, or downplay trans men's misogyny in any way

- erase the *transmisogyny* many trans men engage in
Let's remember that trans men come in all degrees of feminism & transfeminism as well as misogyny and transmisogyny. Many of you have a knee jerk reaction to self defend, but it's important to sometimes sit with the reality that some trans men, like some cis men, are trash.
If that's not you, good. But don't rush to defend or portray trans men as a homogenous group of non-threatening safe-by-default men. Bc that's not true.

Also remember to include harm towards trans women in your conversations on this. Some of you are forgetting this.
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