I know a lot of Snyder fans follow me and have probably seen this and i gotta say, why all the shade towards my man Henning? I saw someone make fun of “used to work on movies” in his bio, thats because him and his friend started a Company (Cont) #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague https://twitter.com/henningsanden/status/1328845460136747008
His and his friends company “FlippedNormals” is a hhuuuuggee reason i am where i am today, they teach digital 3d and 2d art, and they really know what they’re talking about. I feel like a lot of people in the comments are acting kinda like kpop fans when someone disses a song.
Henning is right about the design, sure it looks “cool” i guess, but from a character design perspective, it really doesn’t make much sense. It looks like the concept artist did a rough sculpt of a body, loaded it into photoshop and duplicated and warped tons of blades around it
Something like this would have worked FAR better in my opinion, it makes sense, it’s all armour that could be functional, and would look great on screen if translated right. And i’m willing to do a sculpt of it to prove so.
I know people are gonna say “bUt He doEsNt fiT iN THiS woRld, we CanT hAvE CoMiC accuRaTe StepPEnwoLF he LoOkS duMb”
1: he ISN’T FROM “THIS” WORLD! Perfect reasoning to why he’d look different.
2: Snyder fans LOVE to talk about how comic accurate Batman and Superman’s suit’s are
Don’t get me wrong, i’m excited for the Snyder cut and will absolutely watch it, but I feel like people have become attached to the idea that EVERYTHING Snyder is doing in this cut is “10000000x better” and hates when anyone says otherwise, it’s really childish, honestly.
While this design is an improvement over the theatrical releases design, like i said, it doesn’t make much sense. If you are familiar with the term “clipping”, where one object goes through another like a ghost going through a wall, theres a TON of that happening here.
I know people are gonna try hit back with the classic “this is a movie where a bullet proof man flies around and shoots lasers out his eyes and a dude runs around so fast he makes lightning” yeah i get that, but at least their costume designs make sense.
Things making sense are a big part of a good movie, I don’t think i need to explain that lol.
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