The uncertainty and disruption facing us for Christmas is heartbreaking for so many. But while this might not be the longed for Xmas, as a Muslim who experienced Ramadan and Eid in total lockdown I want to share there ARE positives no matter how hard to see, and there is hope
The pressure to create the perfect festival is off. No more competition to broadcast an Instagram-ready lifestyle. The occasions become not for others or for show, but for ourselves. And that cliched thing about rediscovering the “true” meaning of the holidays? Completely true.
Despite the heartache of missing family we can shift perspectives. This year wasn't less Ramadan, it was more Ramadan. The same can apply to the upcoming end-of-year season: this year it’s not less Christmas, it’s more Christmas, for all the meaning and humanity we can rediscover
The tensions that can sometimes face the average believer during Ramadan and Eid, as well as Christmas – doing it for show, the stress, more focus on feeding others than the self, wastage, spending, extravagance – were properly punctured
For Ramadan and Eid, we learned the joy of global Zoom calls on the big day itself. I can share that this brings all the good bits of seeing everyone without any of the long car journeys or clearing up afterwards.
For those who are religious – or perhaps would like to engage with religion for the first time – the wide, online nature of services from around the world are a phenomenal chance to experience different kinds of services, religious leaders, scholars and religious approaches.
The Muslim celebrations brought joy to a bigger audience because everyone no matter their background wants (needs!) something uplifting, celebratory, human. The end of this year can be inclusive in the same way, bringing joy, togetherness and humanity in our collective struggle.
The festive season can be lonely, isolating, esp if held back by cost, disability, social exclusion. We're now going through the same thing, all in similar boats. Being more conscious of isolation means those previously left out are now in the circle. We have a chance to level up
Here’s what I learned as a Muslim after Ramadan and Eid in a pandemic: see this year as a chance to escape from "things" and how things look. Instead, enjoy people who are closest to you and get to know who they really are – especially yourself.
This year is our chance to level up, experience the season in a more inclusive way, find creative solutions to the “real” meaning of togetherness, memories, simplicity, family. Christmas will still be Christmas, because humans are creative and resilient. And because love is love.
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