V late to this @EmmanuelMacron interview, which as Sophie says, running at 12K words no less, is not for the busy or faint-hearted. But it contains several interesting re-workings & extensions of old Macron themes on “European sovereignty”
1/ https://twitter.com/peddersophie/status/1328248649076404225
It also contains a pitch for a united values-based EU approach to fight terrorism & a somewhat surprising – given Macron’s reputation as a “heartless banker” etc – attack on “financialised” capitalism (ie too monopolistic & short-term profit driven) 2/
On European Sovereignty, he doubles down, but also hedges to make it clear he is not demanding a Federal Europe. There is no repeat of his  attack on the Western Alliance as “brain dead”. This time it is capitalism which is “at a break point.” 3/
Macron appears to be arguing, inter alia, for a joint European fight against the internet giants. “As much as socialism did not work in one single country, the struggle against this mechanism of capitalism is ineffective in a single country.” 4/
On terrorism, Macron suggests that the whole of Europe should see the battle through French eyes as a struggle not “against Islam” but to defend European freedoms against intolerance and “obscurantism.” 5/
The interview  reads, in part, like Macron trying to adjust or re-package Macronism for the coming post-Covoid crisis and for the French election campaign in 2022. As always with Macron, there is much that is opaque, but also much that is fascinating too
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