Short thread on some night-time thoughts about the #cryptoart scene. First, one question people ask is if this is a fad or if it is here to stay. I think a lot of people asking that question are probably asking from the monetary aspect of it.
Let's be honest. People are seeing the $ that work is selling for, and they want to grab a slice. A lot of people are worried that the pie will be all gone by the time they get in. I can't answer that, nor will I try. But, I do think it is here to stay for its intended purposes.
Ideally, artists in this scene will be able to use it as their sole source of income. That's the goal of most artists. But, the reality is that only a small % of people will actually be able to make that happen. This is what happens to real-world artists, too.
How many famous artists didn't get their fame and value until after their deaths? Lots. That will happen here. (Sorry folks, keep your day jobs)
Ok, but back to my real point, the thing that initially excited me about the cryptoart scene. The idea of true signatures and ownership of digital works. This is the missing ingredient that was/is needed to validate a lot of today's digital work.
Subtract the monetary aspect of it, and the technology is still a gigantic force of good in the art world. This entire movement is going to elevate the status and legitimacy of digital art. Period. That won't go away.
Now, onto my larger thought. What do we do with this space? I would push for artists to embrace this as a medium. I see a lot of artists embracing the canvas, but not the medium. By that, I mean that the work looks no different than what could be on paper or canvas.
That's fine! Nothing wrong with that at all, and there are so many amazing digital artists doing that kind of work that I wouldn't slight them in the least for it. But, what I want to see more of, and strive for myself, is to create work that MUST exist digitally.
In other words, embrace the medium, not just the canvas.
Anyway, these are just a few late-night thoughts/ramblings, but I continue to be excited about the possibilities that I'm seeing here.
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