Story Za Tonnie Sn 4 Ep 6 :
( NO for YES? Don't complicate the issue. PG🔞)
You might have heard people say sometimes a lady might say NO when she actually means yes. It's the most absurd thing I have heard, yet I'm willing to admit that there's some truth in it😞.
I find it hard to understand how a NO could mean anything else other than NO. Whoever said ladies are complicated might have been making a point, maybe we should take him more seriously😂. Well, a NO could actually mean YES, but how? I found out first hand, Skiza Story...
JUJA Nov. 2020.
With a following of about 34K, a few people have been able to spot me in public, especially after I put a face on the brand 😂. It's nice to meet people who read my stories, I'm always excited. So about a week ago, niko juja containers with a couple of friends...
German beer, AKA keg, inaflow, we're having a good time. So this chile approaches me, she's like "dude, are you Tonnie Wa Juja?" sometimes I choose to answer that question with a NO, but dem alikua mali safi😍, so I told her the truth. She was kinda excited, I was a lil tipsy...
Mi nashangaa broke cabron kama mimi anafanya dem ashike joto hivo? 😂For the first time, the name Tonnie Wa Juja actually came through for me, kumbe jina ya kifala inaeza leta mali safi 😂. Dem na tumbler yake akaketi next to me, jug after jug, Cabrones mnaelewa hii language 😂.
I'm not sure whether it's the booze, ama what tf was going onđŸ˜©, I couldn't stop staring at her boobs. Alikua na ile bra inafungiwa nyuma ya shingo, ile inakaa kama manati😂. Her top left her cleavage on display, view ilikua kama ile ya rift valley pale subukia😂.
A great pair of t's I tell yah,probably the best I have seen during this quarantine period. Rangi kama ya chwani mpya😍. She kept making them bounce, kidogo nidhani tunaruka bumps na tuko containers 😂All I'm saying is, she had a nice body and a pretty face to compliment the body
A few moments later her friends came through, fellow cabrones wakapata hunting ground 😂. As an experienced hunter, I used a very old but effective style, isolate from the park, then attack😂. So nikamshow tushuke chini kwa kuku za karai😂,she liked the idea, she followed.
Tukakula kuku, and for the first time since we met, she asked for a verification, she said "show me your page on Twitter" I didn't wanna lose her, so I did. Dem akabambika, sijui ni ulevi, or she was genuinely excited, it was nice to see, imagine cabron akipata attention😂😂.
There was a problem though, huyo dem alikua na appetite sana bana, amekula drumstick kama tano, cabron hio pesa atatoa wapi😭, I didn't know how to tell her to stop. Luckily for me, I think she had been reading my stories, it's like she knew I'm a broke cabron, akalipa kuku😂.
It was around 8:40pm, karibu masaa ya bar kufungwa, she told me she wanted to buy some more liquor to take to her place. Dem akabuy mzinga ya black n white. She then asked me if I was gonna let a drunk girl walk home by herself, that's it, that was the opening I needed😂.
Tukitembea ikanihit huyo dem husoma story Za Tonnie, Nikajiambia there's no way she would wanna be anywhere near the sheets with me, kwanza nikikumbuka vile mlisambaza ile meme ya Tonnie Wa Juja akipewa lazima atangaze 😂. It wasn't going to happen far as I was concerned.
Ilikua nimfikishe kwa gate mi nijitoe, ikue nimefanya kazi ya kanisa. At the gate I hugged her then left her. Kabla ya mda usiomruhusu shehe kupiga bismillahi na kumchinja kifaranga😂, nikaskia nimeulizwa, kwani hizo story zako zinakuanga story tu? Form? Unaishia?.. Wait, what?
For a moment I thought my ears were lying to me, dem amenitolea form, ogopa pombe. Initially I thought ningemteka, kumbe pia alikua na agenda. Cabrones form ya kujileta hua feeeeerrry tangerous😂. Nikaconfirm kwa kabuti kuna enough tools, then I proceeded to accept the mission😂.
After a couple of shots at her place, It was only fair that I gave her the very thing she wanted😂.I'm a little mature now, I don't rush into it, a little foreplay is nice, not past 45 seconds though 😂remember D1=K 1/F .About 30 seconds into foreplay girl was breathing heavilyđŸ˜Č
Lazima alikua dryspell for a while😂, or the game I brought 😂, who knows. She was shaking, I wasn't sure I wanted to do it, so I decided to ask her for the green light. I asked her, are we doing this or what? I kid you not, this was the most confusing moment of my lungula career
Girl was shaking her head as if to say NO, but her mouth was saying YES. I wasn't getting it, like tf đŸ˜Č.How do you decode that message?The gesture is not in sync with the words. I was confused, I aborted the mission, there was no consensus. Ladies let a NO be NO and a YES be YES
So the next morning, the girl wakes me up, talking about how "niliangusha form". Ati it was going so well until I decided to stop, she asked me why I changed my mind. Changed my mind?? đŸ˜ČSmh. I told her If it's not consensual, then I can't do it, and last night it wasn't.
She told me that I should have listened to her words instead, ati ye ata hajui alikua anafanya nini, ati zake zilikua zimeshika😂.So now that we was aware of what was happening, it was time to resume that operation, I had to hit one for the road, iko nene😂.Mali safi lakini😍..✒
Cabrones, the past few months, rape has been a major talking point. If sex is not consensual, then it's rape. Trust me, you do not wanna find yourself facing rape charges, kama hajakubali vizuri, wachana na yeye. Madem pia usiforce cabron agware😂, unaeza jipata kwa ngori😂.
I have a very effective way of doing it, I usually let the lady take the D and slide it in herself 😎,ajiekee Mwenyewe, ama namna gani😂.


Final episode season 4, worry not, a spin off series coming your way right away😉.

Good day maniacs✌.
Get ready for the spin off guys, great stories in that one. 😉😂😂.
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