@sidharth_shukla u have taught me that u don't have to be strong always U r allowed to break down as long as u pick urself back up & keep moving forward

Even in ur darkest hour u showed so much of strength, u r an real epitome of a Strong determined man.

You inspire me because u r not afraid to be urself I know u weren't born that way I know life has beaten & bent u & look u a long time to learn to love urself

U care for others first & for urself second u r always the one who gives more, tries more, cares more & loves more
I know u are Strong but everyone has a breaking point somewhere so please know that we love you immensely and are here for you to support you in your thick and thins always and forever

I'm so proud of you & words won't ever suffice the amount of love n respect I have for you
I wish you all the best in your life, may you reach new heights of success, get everything u desire in your life, always be surrounded with love n warmth from your loved ones n always be pink in health 💙

You mean the world to me !

Thank u for existing in my life
Love you loads
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