The anti-koala LLS bill from the NSW Govt is now being debated ahead of a vote.

If the Nationals get their way, it could wipe out huge numbers of koalas. Please watch the debate and see if @JohnBarilaroMP and his MPs get their way.

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/pages/lc-webcast-page.aspx https://twitter.com/jondeeoz/status/1329249379891388418
Penny Sharpe from Labor is currently speaking against the LLS bill - if passed it will wipe out large areas of koala habitat in NSW.

How did @GladysB and @RobStokesMP let it get this far? Why have they allowed @JohnBarilaroMP to get this appalling bill this far? #AusPol
@greencate now speaking for the @nswgreens against the LLS bill. Good speech.

If passed this bill from @GladysB and @JohnBarilaroMP will wipe out massive amounts of koala habitat.

It would also kill huge amounts of #koalas just when the bushfires require us to protect them all.
@greencate talks about the bipartisan report which said that without urgent NSW Govt support, NSW koalas would be extinct before 2050.

So why do @JohnBarilaroMP and @NSWNationals want to wipe out #koala habitat? Especially after the bushfires that wiped out so many #koalas?
You can watch this anti-koala bill debate right now via this link:

Watch some good politicians trying to stop this appalling @NSWNationals bill.

@greencate is still speaking. Very eloquent speech. Thanks Cate.
“This bill before us removes so many protections,” says @greencate

She says that councils would no longer be allowed to have a say in private forestry operations in their local Govt area.

That oversight is really needed to protect koalas and threatened species habitat.
@greencate noted that Adam Marshall begun his second reading of the bill by saying:

"There will be no ministerial direction requiring any local council to zone core koala habitat as an environmental zone – period."

"This is our national icon!" says Cate. Too right it is.
@greencate says people on all sides care about #koalas.

Says the lower house did a shocking job on this LLS anti-koala bill. Points out how the Legislative Council is a house of review and it needs to do its job.

Calls it a "koala killing" bill.
Good speech from @greencate - well done Cate.

@FredNile from @CDPAustralia just spoke. Not surprisingly he supports this anti-koala bill from the NSW Nationals.

He says he is "pleased to support the bill." #AusPol
Well known koala advocate @katieqs from the Liberal Party is now up.

She opens by talking about the history of koala killings.

She does not want the current Govt associated with a mass policy error and mentions the impact of the bushfires on koalas.
@katieqs says not a single person has asked her to support this anti-koala bill.

She says there is "Enormous distress and mistrust" about this bill. She seems quite emotional as she makes this speech.

She says the bill will make matters worse for our koalas.
@katieqs from the Liberal Party says this is the day to say enough.

She's arguing passionately against this bill. She's going against her own Govt over this. That takes guts - I'm sure pressure is being put on her over this.

"It's incredible to me that we could be doing this."
"My faith in those processes have been shattered."

@katieqs apologises to the Premier and her party. Says the NSW Liberal party has tried hard to get her to support the bill.

She will not budge. "We need to create consensus where there is currently chaos."

Thanks Catherine xxx
John Graham from Labor says there is a "massive policy error with this bill."

Mentions 13 fold increase in land clearing. Talks of his concern about developers being let loose.

You can watch the attempt to #SaveOurKoalas via live video here: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/pages/lc-webcast-page.aspx #AusPol
John Graham from Labor says there are "consequences of where this all ends. This is bad for koalas if we don't get this right."

Says the bill is drawing the attention of activists. Not sure he is saying that in the right way. Ordinary people just want to save our national icon.
Mark Banasiak from the Shooters and Fishers up now.

Not surprisingly he is talking total shit. Starts by insulting Catherine Cusack. After hearing her wonderful speech, that says a lot about his character.

He is a pro-logging MLC - not a friend of the koala and other wildlife.
Emma Hurst from the Animal Justice Party talks about the huge impact this bill could have on koalas.

She rightly says that the bill is a disgrace. Says it is sinister and will speed up the deaths and extinction of koalas in NSW.

Fully agree with @MlcHurst @AJPNSW.
@BanasiakMlc is still droning on. And on. And on.

He sounds like a broken record when talking about greens and lefties. He's constantly negative about @Matt_KeanMP. Says the environment agency has no place in agriculture etc etc.

As usual, Banasiak is talking total nonsense.
With their anti-koala bill looking like it will be voted down in the Upper House, @alexhart7 says he understands the Nats have called an urgent partyroom meeting for 6.30pm.

When asked what this means, Alex reports that one Nat Minister replied "war". Watch it on @7NewsSydney
@MatthewMasonCox for @LiberalNSW doesn't seem happy about @katieqs not supporting the LLS bill.

Like @BanasiakMlc he is droning on and on. Moans about city-centric Liberals, greens etc etc.

He says it's not a koala killing bill. That's exactly what it is.
@MarkPearsonMP up now from the @AJPNSW. He says the bill is "disgusting" and could have a diabolical impact on koalas.

Says koalas are at the risk of extinction in NSW by 2050. Correctly says this figure came from a bipartisan report that recently came out of the NSW Parliament.
@MarkPearsonMP asks his fellow MLCs what they're going to say to their children and grandchildren when they ask "what has happened to the koalas?"

Says “the world is watching”. Thanks Mark. Glad you're there to look after our wildlife.
@SamFarraway the @NSWNationals Deputy Government Whip in the Legislative Council is speaking.

He's very animated - I do wonder if he needs a Bex and a good lie-down?

He fully supports this anti-koala bill. Rejects laws that "impose regulatory burdens on farmers..."
@RealMarkLatham is up now on behalf of One Nation.

Did he seriously just say "gay koala committees"?

What more is there to say... Just talked about someone having a planning degree they got out of a cornflake packet. Needless to say he supports the bill. No surprises there.
The speaker just asked the people in the far-right corner to quieten down.

He then mentioned that @RealMarkLatham was sitting there...

Was he referring to Latham's politics or where he was sitting in the room? Can't quite make it out.
@justinrfield is up next. He seems sensible and independent.

He refers to the @7NewsSydney report about the Nats party room meeting tonight. A Nats MP told @alexhart7 that it was "war".

That person was right. @NSWNationals are at war with koalas and other wildlife.
@ShoebridgeMLC from @nswgreens is now up. We know which way he's going to vote on this.

David is rightly calling out this bill. Says we can't do "business as usual." Rightly acknowledges the "brave and honest speech" by @katieqs.

Good speech David.
@AdamSearleMLC says that if @katieqs amendment sends the legislation to an enquiry, Labor will support it.

He says this is the latest instalment in the #KoalaCrisis that has gripped the coalition. Adam Searle gave a good speech.
The vote is now coming up on the LLS anti-koala bill.

Keep your fingers crossed everyone. So many koala lives are at stake.
How old-fashioned is this?? This is how they count the time after they sound the bells for the vote.
The doors are locked for the vote.
19 ayes and 18 no's.
The referral of the anti-koala LLS bill to a committee has just been successful.

The vote was 18-19 as a result of Catherine Cusack crossing the floor and voting to refer it to a committee.

Well done @katieqs - we will never forget this. #SaveOurKoalas !!!!!
Thanks to @katieqs crossing the floor and voting against the Govt's anti-koala bill, the LLS Bill amendments will be sent to committee

That prevents the bill's passage until well into 2021.

@GladysB needs to #SaveOurKoalas and kill this bill altogether.
@GladysB and @JohnBarilaroMP have issued a joint statement:

"In the new year we will develop a policy to protect koalas and the interests of farmers."


"Let's develop a new scheme where people think we're protecting koalas, when really we're actually shafting them”
If you stand up to protect #koala habitat and stop #koalas from being killed, @GladysB will sack you.

@katieqs did not shred any dodgy documents. She didn’t have an #ICAC boyfriend. She did the right thing by our wildlife. And Gladys sacked her.

Let’s http://SaveTheKoalas.net.au 
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