Help me.
Help me to understand.
Black voters were still given literacy tests in the 1960s and this man was jumping from subject to subject. 😩
This man was was teaching from 1961 to 1978, but this was the literacy test to vote in 1964.
State of Louisiana had us doing Geometry-English to vote, while the LONGEST con was used to cover up a reading disability.
He designed an escape room, to level up on a lie, while we were trying to escape white supremacy.
This entire situation reminds me of the curb-cut effect. When we design “to benefit vulnerable groups, such as the disabled or people of color—(we) often end up benefiting all of society.”
Y’all so focused on standardized exams—to keep folx out—-that systemically discriminate against Black ppl (and other groups)...that some white men end up living that same disparity.

Most only for a moment...
When you could be eradicating the entire process/system by dismantling “schooling” and truly understanding “education.”

The benefits would be greater, for all.

But nah...
It gets...

He was a real estate millionaire. He had a master key to all the university buildings, so he could steal tests.
An author too. The title of his books?!??

How many children were “left behind” on his road to...
Predominantly white communities, back then.

“Negro” was used on the census in 1960.
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