Today I heard NU pres. respond to student concerns about police aggression at @copsoutofNU protests with a comment about "conflicting narratives."

As the only reporter on the scene 10/31, here's an initial fact-check of things I've heard from admin + the community. THREAD:
"students were pointing deadly lasers into officers' eyes":

As students marched, one or two protesters would occasionally scan the crowd with lasers, usually in the direction of police. Sources called this a tactic to protect student identity/prevent arrest, not to maim.
When this happened, I heard one officer say "lasers, guys" to his team — then, officers looked down or put on sunglasses. Lasers did not appear to be pointed directly in any eyes.

The bulk of laser activity I witnessed occurred at least 20 min before any police escalation.
a visual (hint: lasers also mess with photography, one of the reasons students used lasers. Officers have been recorded every protest.)
"students were throwing rocks and bricks at officers":

I was standing at the police line for the entirety of the escalation. I was not able to verify this claim. Of the 7+ sources I spoke to also standing at the police line during the escalation, no one was able to verify this.
"students damaged public and private property":

-Students spray-painted and tied toilet paper/streamers to the Rebecca Crown Center. This damage has since been repaired
-Students broke a window to Whole Foods Market
-Students spray-painted other streets along their route
"students were throwing fireworks and smoke bombs at police officers"

-As students marched, 1-2 protesters occasionally released firecrackers onto the sides of the streets.
-After arrival of NIPAS in riot gear, 1-2 fireworks were thrown in the direction of police (pictured):
One "smoke bomb" was dropped in a trash can as students marched. A couple students held one or two more above their heads as they marched.
Like the lasers, sources I spoke to called the fireworks and smoke bombs distraction and disturbance tactics, with no intent to maim.
Even though a Nov. 2 crime bulletin mentioned "NU disturbance" in the headline, only 9 of the 24 listed violations were plausibly related to the disturbance.

6 of those violations were incidences of graffiti.
"NIPAS officers assisted protesters who requested medical attention":

From my source who was pepper-sprayed in the face: "the police called a paramedic but they wouldn't give me medical attention without going to the ER ...."
"...My friend and I were scared the cop was going to arrest us. They were not helpful and they were the ones who hurt me."
There were only two official sources on the scene that night, at the time of the escalation. The Daily (me) and the police. Many outlets who reported on the 10/31 action took their accounts directly from the police report.
Finally, for a visual of what it was like to be on the scene that night, footage from me. Thanks @ByChrisVazquez for blurring faces. **TW: gunshot-like sounds**

The explosion at the beginning is a protester firework. The gunshot-like sounds are pepper balls fired by officers.
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