Hindu vs Hindu

A debate goes on why Hindus fight with Hindus. It’s a false debate. Let me explain why. The core of Hindu philosophy is ‘seeking’. The tools for seeking are - questioning, experimenting, experiencing & debating like Hypothesis, antithesis, thesis & synthesis.
In Hindus, the bridge to this process is शास्त्रार्थ - debate. In almost all faiths there is no scope for debate. You have to follow blindly what’s in the book. Questioning it is blasphemy. Whereas, the DNA of a Hindu is to question, dissent, debate or to negate one another.
If you are not engaged in Shastrath on a continuous basis, you aren’t a Hindu. That’s why to an outsider not familiar with Hindu DNA Hindus appear to be fighting with each other. In reality, they are seeking, evolving and slowly moving towards The Truth by exploration.
Only in Hindu orbit, you can question, negate, criticise, abuse or even deny everything that the other Hindu believes in. This kind of freedom is not given in any other faith. That’s why no other faith can ever be as liberal, progressive, scientific and evolving as Hindus.
It’s not a regimental religion. It’s a way of understanding life, nature, infinity of the universe and the meaning & purpose of everything which is the Ultimate Truth.
No wonder, we believe तत्वम असि - Thou art that- You are the truth. You are the God.
Go, explore.

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