Oh forgot to update yall this group that may or may not be disbanded known as the Valkyries and/or the Sentinels are the org most directly responsible for shooting & killing Black people @ CHOP/CHAZ over the summer
The entire nonblack-dominated activist scene there bears collective responsibility really because people have known this for months. They even know the likely names of the two people who pulled the triggers on those two Black kids & pistol whipped them while they bled out
Please spread the word.
more info: the two shooters/pistol whippers from valkyries/sentinels/"chop security dispatch" (another name they had apparently) were going by "derek" and "steve". haven't been able to get any pictures or learn more about those two. info about other members of the cult incoming…
"cat" & "cyra westmere" were/are the leaders of the cult

pics 1 & 2 are pictures of cat
pic 3 is cyra, supposedly they've gotten a buzzcut since it was taken
pic 4 is cyra's telegram contact information
pic 1 is the instagram account of "shakira", another member
pic 2 is shakira (left, piercings) with "gabby" (right, also a member)
pic 3 is gabby (left) with "ciara"/"u-haul" (right)
pic 4 is "andy" who was supposedly kicked out
pic 1 is more photos of cyra westmere
pic 2 is, from left to right: cat (the other leader), "gropey", and cyra
pic 3 is gabby from the last tweet on the left, "joker" in the middle, and cyra holding the camera
pic 4 is "dahlia" (blue hair) on the right, the other person unknown
pic 1 is "joy ross" another member. their facebook page: https://facebook.com/imjoyross 
circled in pic 2 is "maehem". hard to see much in the screenshot, but if you go to this video on instagram & watch from about 10 minutes in you can see better. link to ig: http://tinyurl.com/chopchazaftermath
there are of course more details about the group but these are some of the members. we tried to follow leads to corroborate a lot of the info that came from 1 source, but there were many dead ends. supposedly a statement was gonna come out about this but it's been months so here.
hopefully others who might be more connected in the seattle organizing scene can follow up to expose these slaver-colonizers & do whatever needs to be done. we were also sent this diagram—supposedly valkyries/sentinels were doing security for EDM (everyday march) after CHOP/CHAZ:
now onto a few of those who defended/celebrated/enabled this shit right here on twitter dot com

probably most infamous is sherisa notmeyer who tweeted this right after CHOP/CHAZ shot those kids. seems to be finally deleted, but it's archived here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twitter.com/MaliceWarpath/status/1277554271966203904
by looking through the QT & replies here you can see a LOT of the kind of behavior that creates an environment where anti-Black killings like those of CHOP/CHAZ can easily happen. there's even someone who reiterates "we feared for our lives" copaganda. https://twitter.com/black_autonomy/status/1287504715492651008
here a white anarchist with lots of clout on here implies trying to find the piece of shit killers is acting like cops: https://twitter.com/apeirophobic/status/1302395946844729346

here he says he did nothing wrong:

and this screen is what he said AFTER several Black people had been killed.
last one for the moment: here's the time Midwest People's History (previously known as Midwest Unrest) called those two Black children CHOP/CHAZ killed "the actual terrorists".

it's been deleted, but archived here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twitter.com/MPHProject/status/1277654674347143169
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