This is one of the low-key best costumed Regency screen productions out there. It's full of tiny yet accurate details the really help worldbuild, like Norrell's outdated wig, and is one of our favourites.
Look at this range of characters, expressed through dress across class, status and role. Childermass's flatter sort of half topper is an excellent touch (have a wee crush on him anyway). Vinculus' beard marks him as outside normal society.
Also a rare one where men's coats are properly tight fitting across the torso. Strain lines appear that reflect those seen in period images. So delightful.
Arabella's clothing is genteel middle class, fashionable without being showy. Lady Pole's hair is an aristocrat, but 'mad', and her hair being *fully* down - no half up nonsense here - is just right for the character. Note her finer quality textiles too.
And what's not to love about costuming that passes the Test even in Faery???
Although it's also a great example of how context and styling changes things - this is the white ballgown from Austenland! Weird in straight Regency, works well as a magical take in Faery.
Aside: we've long been convinced that John Heffernan, who plaws Drawlight, originally auditioned for Jonathan Strange, described in the book as being tall, slender, with a long nose and red hair.
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