It’s been a tough year for Tennesseans. Covid has blown existing cracks in our communities wide open.

We would like to celebrate the holidays this year with true Volunteer State spirit and help spread the word about aid campaigns from some of our favorite local organizations.
@gideonsarmyutd has a goal to provide 1,600 new Christmas gifts to families in North Nashville. Check out their Facebook page for a list of ways you can help them hit their goal.
@Renewal_House provides specialized addiction treatment to women and their children. They are the only long-term family residential program in Middle Tennessee that treats women and their children together. 
@monroeharding provides support to kids in foster care. They are looking for elves this season. 
@SafeHavenTN is a family shelter in Nashville.
Food banks are always an excellent choice @2HarvestMidTN @second_spoon @SecondHarvestET @MSouthFoodBank @chattfoodbank
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