Back when 9/11 occurred, afterwards a task force came together to assess what happened, why this could have happened, and what could be done to prevent this from happening again. Guess what one of the key findings was?
It was that due to Bush's delay in assembling his team and delays in getting national security up and running under his administration. The very same delay that is happening right now.
Because of the delay in filling key national security roles, our country was more vulnerable to terrorism in 2001. Because of the delay and this current administration's complete obfuscation of the truth, we are more vulnerable now as Joe Biden cannot gain access to key funds.
This is due to @gsagov and, mainly, @GSAEmily. While analysts weigh in across the board and are calling on Ms. Murphy to act and allow Biden's team to move forward. They have won the election and there is no legitimate question of that. We demand you act now.
I 'm livid with @GSAEmily for this. Experts are telling her to act & that her inaction is endangering national security - so what is she doing? Nothing. Puff pieces are being written about how shes "grappling with this" as if there is any contest about who won this election.
Emily, grapple with this: Biden will be moving into the White House in Jan. 2021. Whether he has a successful transition with access to funds, space, resources, & support through this challenging process - as nearly every other president has had - is entirely up to you.
Your inability to interpret the scope of how your inaction is truly harming our already weakened nation signifies to me you are truly not fit for your post.
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